Healing and Breaking

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They slowly made their way back to the hotel, avoiding all human eyes, which was easy because one, they were all wearing dark colors and two, it was the middle of the night. I cuddled up against Demetri, shivering not from the cold, but from humiliation. I allowed five men to take away something that I couldn't take back. My virginity. Demetri tightly wrapped his arms around me, trying to provide the least bit of comfort to me. We soon arrived at the hotel, Demetri leaving me in my suite and bidding me farewell. I crawled to the bathroom slowly, turning on the shower and letting the warm water slowly cascade down my body. I took the soap and furiously scrubbed my body, trying to get the foul odor of the men off my body. I soon felt a stinging feeling on my arms, my skin raw from all the hard scrubbing. I sand to my knees and cried into my hands. After two hours of incessant sobbing, I stood up shakily and turned off the water, wrapping a towel tightly around my body and stepping out of the bathroom. I quickly put on a black t-shirt, dark skinny jeans and high heeled ankle boots. A soft knock made its way to my ears, making me jump slightly. 

"Come in." I whispered, ever so softly.

Soft footsteps made my way to me.

Sorry to interrupt but we have to advance on our mission Secret." said Jane, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shivered a little from the contact, but nodded. I draped on my cloak and followed Jane out to the cold, Seattle night.

Five people looked over the terrace, watching as the savage newborns reek havoc. One had blond hair that was neatly wrapped in a bun. Though many have underestimated her because of her small height, every single one learned their lesson through her diabolical gift. Next to her was a boy a little taller than her. He had messy brown hair and the same deadly reputation as his twin sister. Hulking behind them was two bodyguard looking men. One had dirty blond hair and the other had dark brown. Each was significantly taller than the twins....but fearfully respected them. Last but not least is the little girl in the back. She had pitch black hair, cascading down her shoulder in large waves. She had her hands folded behind her back, resembling authority over the other four. 

"They are attracting too much attention..." seethed Demetri, turning towards Jane.

"People may start to question the Voluri's effectiveness." growled Felix.

"Let them..." replied Jane, nonchalantly.

Felix turned around and walked a few steps in annoyance.

"Perhaps we should consult with Aro on this." he added.

All of the Volturi guards eyes turned except for one. She continued to stare at the newborns, emotionless, while Felix was being tortured under Jane's power.

"Aro's decisions are being watched. We must decide." said Jane, turning around.

Alec rested his hand on his twin's shoulder comfortingly.

"Then decide sister. It's time." he sighed.

"Yes it is. Either we let them do what they were created for....or we end them." Jane sighed.

"Decisions, decisions." 

The fifth guard turned around and walked towards the shadows, away from the group, stopping about two feet away. It was as if she saw something the others did not.

"Secret....what are you doing?!" hissed Alec.

She did not say anything. Suddenly, screaming echoed through the dark walls.

"Get her." the one called Secret hissed.

Demetri and Felix ran into the shadows and dragged out a curly orange haired lady. Her bright red eyes signaled that she was a human drinker. Secret looked at her and cocked her head slightly.

"Who are you? How dare you spy on the Volturi?!" hissed Jane.

When she didn't respond, Secret locked gazes with her, lowering her head slightly, and hissing menacingly.

"Fear." she whispered.

The orange head immediately started screaming and thrashing about in Felix and Demetri's grip. After a minute, Secret raised her head and Victoria stopped screaming. 

"Answer her." hissed Secret.

"V-Victoria." she stuttered immediately.

"You are the creator of this army." stated Alec, not the least bit questioning it.

She nodded.

"Kill her." ordered Jane without a second thought.

Felix and Demetri were just about to tear her arms out when Secret intervened.


Every head turned towards her.

"What do you think you are doing?!" hissed Jane and Alec simultaneously.

"Why did you create this army? You know that the Volturi would be after you. Why take such a risk?" she asked, slowly walking towards the kneeling Victoria and ignoring Alec and Jane's demanding question.

"I wanted to destroy those wretched Cullens. They murdered my mate, James." growled Victoria.

Secret stiffened at the mention of that coven.

"Five days. You get five days to destroy the Cullens. Go." she said.

"What?! She broke the law! She-" 

Secret cut Jane off with the flicker of a hand.

"Five days. Release her Felix. Demetri." ordered Secret.

The two immediately released her.

"Thank you. I promise that I will not fail you." said Victoria.

"Five days. If you do not uphold to your deal, I will personally kill you painfully." said Secret threateningly, trying to ignore the fact that another rascal just made her a promise that she will not keep.

She nodded quickly, scramming off in the shadows.

"Why did you let her go?! It's a crime!" growled Jane, bracing to attack Secret.

Secret sent her a small wave of pain, smirking at how Jane winced and bowed her head in defeat.

"Don't forget your place." Secret growled, turning around and heading back to the hotel.

That night, the same haunting dream reappeared in my mind, echoing over and over again no matter how much I begged it to stop. 

They're going to love you! I promise.

I turned away, trying to avoid Renesmee's ghost only to bump into Rosalie's.

What a special girl you are. I promise I'll take good care of you. Forever. I'll be like your second mommy.

I cried and put my hands on my ears. 

"Get out of my head! Go away!" I screamed.

I'm right here. I'm right here for you. Forever. I promise.

The newest addition to my list of promises that was made then broken.

Seventeen promises will be made. Seventeen promises will be broken. The seventeenth one will be of great value to you. But once it is broken, nothing would be better than Death herself. Each promise broken will take away a little from your heart and every promise made will restore a little more. 'I promise' will mean nothing to you. And never will mean anything to you. Not until the seventeenth promise is broken and the eighteenth one is made. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change.

There it was again. That voice. Seventeen promises. Three has already completely broken my heart. The third one shattered it for good. How could it get any worse?

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