The Past

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Over the next month, Alec took me to so many places. He took me to Paris, Germany, Los Angeles, Rhode Island, and even China! Today, he said that he was taking me somewhere that is very special to him. To prevent me from peeking, he used his gift to blind me, much to my protest. As he slowly guided me to his black Ferrari, I couldn't help but feel a sense that something was wrong. He had an aura of sadness surrounding shadows could feel it. Oh well. Today is a day to have fun.

"We're almost there." he said cheerfully.

"That's wonderful love but I would really appreciate it if you could TAKE OFF THE 'BLINDFOLD'!" I said, pouting.

He chuckled.

"Sorry love. I will in just a moment." he said.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the plush leather seat.

"Are we there yet?" I asked after five minutes of silence.

"Yes we are. You are quite good with timing love." he said.

I felt the car stop and the sound of him opening the car door. Then, his gift started lifting from my eyes and I saw that we were at some type of village. The shacks and cottages look abandoned. Why would he take me to this place? It felt like a place to murder someone and leave the body here so no one would find it. I shivered at the thought and slowly walked out of the car. Then I saw it. On the top of a platform were two burned stakes. Dried blood still stuck onto the sides where the nails were supposed to be. Burnt wood piled underneath the stakes and scattered pieces of hay littered the floor.

"Is this your hometown?" I asked softly.

Alec nodded. I slowly walked to the two stakes and knelt on the floor, the scene of the fire flashing in my mind. Jane and Alec were thrashing around, screaming for help that will never arrive. Their parents were no where to be seen. I blink away from the flashback and traced a line on the charred stake. 

"Is this where you were burned along with Jane?" I asked softly.

"Yeah." said Alec.

I turned to him and gave him a small hug in comfort.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He took a shaky breathe and shook his head.

"It's not your fault. It never was." he said.

I kissed his cheek and slowly walked to what looked like two tombstones. I brushed the dirt away and read the names. 

"Guinevere Allure Carter and Francis Ethan Carter. Are these your parents?" I asked, looking up at Alec.

"Yeah. They are." he whispered.

I hugged him as he dry sobbed into my shoulder.

"Why did they have to leave me? Why?" he cried.

"I'm sure that they loved you very much and it killed them to leave you and Jane alone to fend for yourselves." I tried comforting him.

"Yeah." was all he could make out.

After he calmed down a little, I brought him to bench and sat on it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

He took a deep breathe and nodded.

"Maybe it's best if I show you." he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

"What? What do you me?" I asked.

"Our mate bond. It allows us to communicate telepathically." he explained.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now