The Evil's Good Side

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As we boarded the Volturi's private jet, I sat in one of the leather seats along with Jane and Alec. Demetri and Felix were standing since they didn't dare to sit unless given permission to. After all, they were in the lowest ranking guards when it came to just the five of us. Jane and Alec didn't seem to be in any mood to talk. They took their missions very seriously and obviously didn't care if the two stood the entire plane ride. I looked at Felix and Demetri who looked very uncomfortable being in the middle of this tension.

"Please....sit." I said, gesturing to the two chairs beside me.

They nodded their thanks and sat down timidly, gazing at the floor, not daring to look up at Jane and Alec for fear of their wrath.

"Why must those wretched newborns always cause havoc?!" growled Jane, interrupting the deafening silence. 

"I don't know sister. Perhaps they wish for Death to claim them. Perhaps they hate this new life that was given to them." sighed Alec, putting an arm around her to calm her down.

This seemed to have a magical effect on her for Jane's pitch black eyes immediately returned to its former glory. 

"Jane....perhaps we should pay the Cullens a little visit when we finish taking care of the newborns. I want a piece of my revenge. And I will get it. One Cullen at a time." I growled, my eyes turning a dark pitch.

Jane and Alec smirked.

"That's our Volturi princess. And don't' worry. We'll hold them down for you. One at a time. No one will lay a finger on you." smirked Alec.

"Might I ask a question?" asked Demetri, piping up.

I glanced at him through my long lashes.

"Depends. Will it earn you an answer? Or will you earn a session of torture?" I asked, slowly tilting my head.

He gulped and looked down.

"W-well....w-why do you w-want r-revenge with the C-Cullens?" he stuttered, obviously in fear.

I looked out the window that was to the right of me. Only five people knew how and why I ended up with the Volturi. Jane, Alec, Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Yes...Demetri and Felix were in the room that day but did not hear our discussion.

"That is a question that I can't answer without telling you a story. The story of how I ended up in the Volturi three months ago." I closed my eyes and took a deep, unneeded breath.

Alec slowly walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. He knew that I was going to need the moral support if I was going to tell the story. I placed my hand on his chest and thanked him with my eyes. Jane walked out of the room for the story was too hard for her to bear. Yes....she has heard this story numerous times, each time more unbearable then the next. She quietly shut the door behind her as I looked up at Demetri and Felix.

"I was the first born daughter of Isabella Marie Cullen. Renesmee was pulled out second, three seconds after I was. We were kept in this little room as Renesmee showed me her gift. She told me that our family would love us more than anything in the world. She promised me. At first, my Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Alice loved me as their own. Aunt Rosalie even promised that she would be my second mother. But after Bella came back from her hunt with Edward, Renesmee showed her everything that happened. From the time in her womb to her being revealed to this Earth. But she showed her one thing that wasn't true. One thing that ruined my life forever. She told everyone that I broke Bella's water. But I didn't. I really didn't. Renesmee did. She implanted a false memory in Bella's brain so the Cullens would forever hate me. She broke her promise and so did Rosalie. I don't give a damn if they rot in hell. They deserve it." I hissed, black venom tears brimming my eyes.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن