Books and Traveling

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It's been three months since that dream and I still remember it as if it had just happened. Her voice kept ringing in my ears, refusing to leave no matter how much I want it to. Seventeen promises. Seventeen never kept. Renesmee and Rosalie's were the first two. I wonder who's third. I gazed at the mirror that I was standing in front of and sighed. I looked like a thirteen year old even though it has only been a few months. I put on a black blouse and leather jacket along with dark jeans and combat boots. Being with the Volturi for so long made me kind of goth. But I like this style. It's And the color black compliments my crimson eyes. I smacked on some lipstick and walked to the game room. It was a relatively normal day. No vampires were breaking laws so none of the guards were on duty. I walked through the many corridors and finally reached the noisy room. In just three months, I memorized every twist and turn in the west wing of the castle. Mainly because I like exploring and I often get lost so I memorize the paths unintentionally. I swung the door open and four pairs of red eyes turned towards me. Jane smiled when she saw me, but quickly gazed back at her magazine. Alec continued to read his medieval books. Felix and Demetri resumed to play on the X-box. I had no idea why the Volturi even bought one in the first place. It is so unlike vampires to play these gaming stations. Obviously, Demetri and Felix didn't care. I liked how the high ranked guards get their own game room. If I went to the public one, I wouldn't even be able to make it two inches before I was pushed out by some random rude vampire. I slowly walked towards the big stack of books where Alec was buried in one of his regular novels. I flipped through the books that I have read numerous times. Finally, I settled with The Help. This book never ceased to surprise me. It was cruel how the African Americans were treated in the south.

"You seem to have an obsession with that book. Every time you come, you always read that book at least once before moving on to something else or rereading it again."

I looked up to see who spoke and was surprised to see Alec hovering over me.

"It is an interesting novel. At least it doesn't have those cheesy endings where the princess and the prince ride off into the sunset." I smirked.

Alec chuckled deeply and shook his head.

"I guess you do have a point. But most of the books in here aren't about that. Many of Shakesphere's aren't. They are usually about death and despair. Sometimes comedy." he reasoned, pulling out a few of his favorites.

I shrugged.

"I guess this one just struck out the most to my in that pile of books. By the way, we need to persuade Aro to buy another pile of books. I've read each one at least ten time times each." I sighed, putting my book in its place on the shelf.

"We could go ask right now." Alec suggested.

I nodded and we bid goodbye to his sister and the two goofballs. Yup. That's what we called Felix and Demetri when it was just the four of us. We made our way to the throne room where Aro, Marcus, and Caius were reading their books on ancient languages and other historic things. Aro turned and his face brightened when he saw us.

"Alec and Secret! What a pleasant surprise! How may I help you two?" he asked enthusiastically.

"We were wondering if you could get a couple more additions to the library in the game room." Alec said.

"Why of course! Here." said Aro, handing us a pile of coins that could probably buy thousands of books.

"You could go to the book store and choose out your favorites." smiled Aro.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely.

"Of course my dear." said Aro before turning around and going back to his studies.

Over the years, I found out that the Volturi were stinkin rich and could probably buy every house in the world and still have enough to sustain themselves for the next twenty centuries. We placed our cloaks over us and walked into the city. Thank goodness there weren't that many people out. It was still early in the morning and humans are such late wakers. We arrived at the book store in plenty of time and scattered off to find our new additions. I looked through the horror and mystery section while Alec looked through the science fiction and nonfiction stacks. After purchasing one hundred and fifty books, we left the very happy clerk and made our way back to the Volturi castle. We returned the extra coins to Aro who dismissed us quickly, seeing the large pile of books in our hands. Alec and I quickly shelved the new books and started reading them as if nothing happened. There is a reason we are the smartest in the Volturi besides the masters.

"I swear. I think you went through all the books in the world." smirked Jane, looking up from her magazine.

"No. There are still plenty to read. At least ten books are published every day. I just like rereading a couple of the classics." I smiled.

Jane playfully rolled her eyes and continued to flip through her magazine. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, knowing the person could hear me.

Santiago walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Yes?" I asked, putting the book that I was reading down and looking up at him.

"Forgive me for interrupting your time but Master Aro has a mission for the five of you." he informed.

We nodded and excused him, cleaning up the room and heading towards the throne room that we were in not just five minutes ago. Aro, Caius, and Marcus were sitting on their thrones, the ancient books once again on their original shelf.

"Ah my dears...there you are. I have a mission for you. There is a massive killing spree in Seattle. I need you to silence them once and for all. My dear Secret, this will be your first mission. I trust that Jane and Alec will take good care of you and that no harm will come to you at all." he said sternly.

I sighed mentally. Sometimes, Aro was just so protective of me.

"Your plane will be leaving in five hours. You may go pack up and when you are ready, you may leave. You do not need to inform me. You are all excused." ordered Aro.

"Yes master." we said in sync, bowing and walking out of the throne room.

We walked into our separate rooms and started packing. I shoved ten shirts, three jeans, two shorts, three jackets, three pairs of shoes, and some random bathroom utilities. Hey. I don't know how long we're going to be gone. And a human isn't going to be there to clean my clothes if I run out. As I was zipping up my suitcase and double checking to see if I missed anything, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

Alec walked in with his cloak and suit case in his hands.

"Are you almost ready?" he asked.

"Yes." I said, tossing on my cloak and pulling my suitcase along.

"Here....allow me." he said, taking my suitcase like a gentleman.

I smiled at him.

"Thank you Alec."

"Anything for you milady." he said, his English accent coming out.

I giggle like a little girl and blush. Since I was still half human, I was able to blush. Alec smirked when he saw me blush.

" I making someone embarrassed?" he chuckled.

I playfully slapped him on the chest and walked in front of him faster. He easily caught up.

"I was just teasing." he smiled gently.

"I know." I smirked.

I know.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now