My Damned Life

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There are times when you wish that your life would go faster, move on to the next event. Other times, you want it to just stop. To process it with the little amount of time that was left. This was one of those times. I stood in the clearing, watching as the last lights of day disappeared in the mountains altogether. I knew that it was unlike me....a vampire with such a dark fear the shadows. They are in my command but sometimes I wonder whether or not they could control me. And when they do...what will happen.

"What are you thinking about?" asked a voice from behind me.

"Time. And how little of it is left for me." I mumbled.

He looked at me curiously.

"Hey...the Volturi can't hurt us. Or me. I'm too smart for them. I promise I won't let them lay a finger on me or you. You just have to trust me." he winked.

I tried to smile but it's already starting to hurt. It was as if my heart had an automatic reaction to heartbreak and betrayal. wasn't their fault. Other times, it was just cruel. Eight promises down. Nine more to go. Well, ten if you count the ones that aren't broken yet. However, I had a strong feeling that it was going to be...very soon.

"They're coming." said R.J., his eyes turning dark with anger.

"Go." I muttered.

"What?" he asked.

"Go before they kill you. This isn't your battle. It's mine. Go." I muttered.

"No! I won't! I won't break my promise to you." he insisted.

"Don't you see? You already have. I know the Volturi too well. We don't stand a chance against them. Go before they tear off your head along with mine." I whispered.

"You're not telling me something. The Volturi want you back more than because of your gift. I've seen your face when you talk about them. It's filled with pain and longing." he said.

"Is it that obvious?" I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.

He nodded.

"Go. Take him away. Far away." I muttered to one of my shadows.

"Yes mistress." they nodded.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as the shadows dragged him away.

"I will find you and you will be mine again! I promise!" he shouted.

"I was never an object to begin with." I muttered.

"Are you sure about that?" rang a voice behind me.

I turned around and smirked.

"I'm pretty sure I wasn't. Or was I not clear enough? Should I clarify it for you?" I asked, slowly walking towards the man I used to call my love.

"I think you should." he smirked, leaning against a tree and crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"You need to come back. The masters don't want you running off again and causing trouble for the Volturi."

My eyes blazed with anger.

"I'm sorry what now?! I told you! I am not an object and I am not their slave! If they want me, they'll have to drag me kicking back to the castle themselves. I already have a fucking goddamned prophecy on my shoulders and so little time left! I am not going to waste it doing biddings for your precious masters! I do respect them but I am not their puppet and never was! If Aro or Caius or even Marcus thinks that they can send you to use your little puppy dog face to bring me happily skipping back to Volterra, they have another thing coming for them!" I screamed. 

He seemed shocked for a moment, but all that emotion was washed away with anger.

"Do not disrespect your superiors like that." he hissed.

"Listen....Alec..." I spat his name.

"If you think I will willingly go back to Volterra with you, you are more stupid than I thought!" I continued.

His eyes turned pitch black as he ran to me and pinned me against a tree. Cracks started forming on my neck but that was the least of my worries.

"What is the matter with you?! You used to be gentle and loving and a great friend! Now you're just a stuck up bitch!" he snarled.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"What's the matter with me? What's the matter with me?! What's the matter with you?! Yes! I used to be gentle, loving, and a great friend! But you turned me into this stucked up bitch! You broke my heart numerous times and I still welcomed you back with open arms! I stuck with you when no one else would! I defended you even if what you did was wrong! I would fight the world with you Alec! But you! What about you? What extent would you go for me? You think I have a heart of stone? That my gift turned my heart black? When I saw you kissing Corin on that balcony, I knew that I didn't just like you Alec. I loved you. And that shattered my heart to pieces. But don't you worry. It healed."

He slowly released me.

"So we're good now?" he asked.

I turned and slowly walked away from him.

"You didn't let me finish. It healed. In the most crooked, messed up, and jagged way there ever was. You wanted my heart to be made of stone? Well guess what? Congratulations! It is. Because of you. I bet you're real proud of yourself right now. I bet the entire Volturi just took me in because they pitied me when stupid Rosalie Cullen dropped me and broke my arm and my entire family abandoned me. I have a stupid prophecy that said I was destined to have a messed up heart. I have a love that thinks that I'm just some messed up slut. I had another boyfriend that loves me but I don't know if I can love him. I was diagnosed with cancer and is about to die in less than four months. Alec, you had a rough childhood, I'll admit that. But at least you have a family member who loves you. I know that Jane would take a bullet for you any day, any time and I know that you would do the same for her. You have a family who loves you. Aro treats you as his own son and I know it isn't just because of your powers. You have wonderful friends that will stick by you through rough and good times. What do I have? Nothing. Nothing but a messed up, cursed, heart! I'm telling you Alec. Not every fairy tale ends in happily ever after. I know how mine will end. It will end in happily never after."

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now