The Dream

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"You are excused, my dears." said Aro, turning back and walking towards his throne.

"Thank you master." said the twins in sync, bowing slightly when exiting the room.

Jane gently cradled me in her chest while she and her twin walked down the dimly lit corridors which seemed like an endless maze to me. I looked around in wonder at the ancient designs and art that was collected over the years. Paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages, Stone Ages, and Renaissance was displayed openly like a gallery or museum. I wonder how rich these people are. Or an even better question, how old are they.....

"Isn't she the cutest little thing?" cooed Jane, gently poking my nose.

I giggled and placed my tiny hands over my nose. Jane and Alec chuckled at me as they finally reached a room with a wooden door. It had the words 'Alec and Jane' inscribed in it in an elegant font. Alec opened the door for Jane and I like a gentleman and entered after us, quietly shutting the door behind him.

"We should tend to her wounds." said Alec, examining my arm carefully and walking out only to return a second later with a first aid kit.

Jane placed me on a large bed and kneeled beside it.

"This is going to hurt a little okay?" she whispered.

I nodded and closed my eyes, whimpering slightly.

"Sister...perhaps I should just use my gift on her." offered Alec.

What was his gift? How would it help with the pain?

"Of course brother. That is a wonderful idea." Jane said, smiling warmly up at Alec.

She turned towards me and stroked my hair gently.

"Alec is going to use his gift of sense deprivation on you okay? You won't be able to see, hear, feel, taste, or smell anything. But you won't feel the pain. It will be scary at first, but I promise it won't last long." she explained.

I nodded, wanting it to be over. Alec held out his hands and a dark mist pooled over towards me from his palms. My eyes widened at the sight of such an unearthly mists. It soon engulfed me in this big shadow of darkness. Just like Jane said, I couldn't see, hear, feel, taste, or smell anything. It was like being trapped in your own thouhts and there is no way out of it. Before long, the light returned and a small amount of pain rose from my arm. I looked over and saw that it was wrapped in black bandages and swung around my neck in a cast.

"It was hard to find a cast your we made one!" smiled Jane.

I giggled and yawned slightly.

"Look who's getting sleepy. You better go to bed sweetie. See you in the morning." smiled Jane, tucking me in the covers of the massive bed.

I snuggled into the warm blankets and yawned once again, letting sleep overcome me.

"Look at her. She's so adorable when she sleeps." smiled Jane, leaning into her brother's chest.

Alec wrapped his arms around his sister lovingly and smiled.

"It's been a while since you have been this happy sister. She must be something special." he said, chuckling slightly.

Jane scowled playfully but nodded nonetheless.

"She is something special. Those wretched Cullens will pay for what they done to her. Especially Bella, Edward, Rosalie, and that sorry excuse of a sister of hers. I will make sure that they beg for Death to claim them." Jane growled, her voice getting ten times darker.

"Yes. They will sister. And Secret will be there to witness their torture." said Alec, equally as infuriated as his sister.

I was in a meadow full of flowers of every kind. Daisies, tulips, sunflowers, roses, you name it. The light blue sky was clear and clouds puffed around the bright sun like cotton candy. I laughed and ran around in circles until I was tired and collapsed in the field of wonders. I closed my eyes for a brief second to let the sun soak into my skin before I no longer felt the soft grass underneath me. I was falling, falling into an abyss of darkness and terror. I screamed and screamed for help, to no avail. It seemed as if this pit was endless. The hold above me closed, shutting me out completely from the bright blue sky and meadow. Thirty seconds later, I swore that I was going crazy.

They're going to love you! I promise.

I turned around and around, trying to see who said that. The voice was hauntingly familiar, as was the sentence. Why am I hearing things? What's wrong with me?! 

What a special girl you are. I promise I'll take good care of you. Forever. I'll be like you second mommy.

I gasped. There it was again. There really is a voice. I'm not going crazy. Rosalie? Where was she? I turned round and round like a clock but all I saw was darkness. Complete utter darkness. Then, everything stopped. I ceased to drop and everything else seemed to quiet down.

Seventeen promises will be made. Seventeen promises will be broken. The seventeen one will be of great value to you. But once it is broken, nothing would be better than Death herself. Each promise broken will take away a little from your heart and every promise made will restore a little more. 'I promise' will mean nothing to you. And never will mean anything to you. Not until the seventeenth promise is broken and the eighteenth one is made.

Who is it? Who said that? I opened my mouth to ask but then I suddenly plummeted down to the darkness, swallowing me whole.

"Secret! Secret! Wake up!" cried Jane, shaking my shoulders.

I blinked open my eyes and flung myself into her arms. I cried and cried, soaking her shirt completely with tears.

"Shh...sweetie, you're okay. You're okay. Nothing is every going to hurt you. Nothing." she whispered.

I waited for the 'I promise' part but it never came. 

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