Chapter 14

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Hey everybody!! ^_^ Just wanted to tell you that I love you guys and I appreciate you so much ^_^ you take the time out of your day to read my story and I greatly appreciate it. You guys are so AWESOME!!! If I could, I would officially dedicate this chapter to you all. But seeing as how I can’t, I will do it unofficially XD.  I dedicate this chapter to all my friends and readers. Stay awesome!!! ^_^

<Azura POV>

            It’s been a couple of days since the pack run. I’m working things out with my dad, I found out two of my friends are mated to each other; I’m still not sure why no one has picked up on that before. I shake my head at that thought. I put off my birthday party to everyone’s dismay and I’m on the fence about school.

            I just don’t think now’s the best of times to put that on my plate. Maybe when things settle down and my life isn’t so chaotic, maybe then I’ll start school. I’ve not been in contact with Cameron as I should and as a result, my wolf has been going nuts. Only when I can’t handle her and the pain gets unbearable, will I contact him. Several times he’s asked to take me out on a date and each time I refused. I’m not rejecting him and I told him as much when he asked. It’s just that…. I’m not sure how to explain it really.

            My Omega powers are freaking me the hell out. I keep having a dream about a huge fire, which is one reason the party is on hold. Family and friends die in that fire. It was just too real, the feelings and emotions I get from it lingers. Not to mention, the last time Cameron spoke through our bond, before I closed it down, I felt his warm arms around me. I could feel his body against my back with his breath on my neck. That really freaked me the hell out.

            I’m still adamant about leaving. I’ve actually found a house that had at least 5acres of land on the outskirts of Sunset city. It was beautiful. Actually, friends and I were going to go check it out, but not without escorts thanks to my dad. Oh and did I mention that all my friends were moving with me? Yea the whole gang, that whole conversation was very stressful.


“Hey guys, I want to talk to you about something.” I began as I faced them.

“What’s up?” Natalia asked.

“Well, you guys know that I’m leaving right?”

“No shit, you’re moving with your mate and his pack yadda yadda. Get to the damn point.” Tiffany snapped, impatience coloring her words. I raised a brow at her. ‘What’s gotten into her?’ Tiffany turned away.

“Anyway as I was saying, I’m moving out but I’m not moving into Cameron’s territory. I want to see what life’s like on my own you know?”

            I wait for my news to sink in and braced myself.






“Well its official, Zurie done gone and lost her damn mind.”

            I waited until the comments died down but they didn’t. Everybody was talking at once and fussing at me. My wolf wanted to make everyone feel and released endorphins into the air. I could feel the tingles of my skin as the endorphins were released from my pores. That succeeded in calming them down, but then again they were all wearing identical shocked expressions.

“What the fuck?”

“How the hell did you do that?”

“OMG Zurie”

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