32 ☆ The Dance

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Mr. Aizawa was asleep on the couch, unaware of Tomura being in the same room as him—typing away on the chunky keyboard of Aizawa's IBM computer that still used Windows 3.0 and a dial-up modem. Aizawa was so old-fashioned that he was still using a dial-up modem that charged internet time by the minute.

Ugh, this computer is slower than All Might's love life. Maybe if I turn it to dust, Aizawa will buy a new one.

Around that time, Dabi stepped through the open window with his hand in a bag of Lays Chicken & Waffle-flavored chips.


"Oh, great. What do you want, raisin?" Tomura rasped, his anxiety meter rocketing up at the thought of raisins.

"Get a job, you lazy bum. Come work with the League of Villains again and stop being a scrounge. We need you!"

"Dabi, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a fashion designer."

"Since when, Tomura? You have the worst fashion style of all time."

"That's why I need to be trained!"

"How? By sitting in your Ariana Grande sweats and filling up on Chex Mix?"

"Shut up, Dabi. You don't even know what you're talkin' bout!"

"Yeah, I do. I'm lookin' at you!"

Tomura rose up from his chair, letting the crumbs of Chex Mix avalanche into the keyboard from his thank u, next t-shirt.

"What happened to you?" asked Dabi. "You used to be Japan's most wanted!"

Tomura plopped on the floor and crawled up the stairs. "Hush. I'm gonna take a bubble bath now."

"And after that?"

"I'm too tired to think about the future!"

Tomura flopped toward the bathroom and shut the door. He still had his Ziplock bag of Chex Mix with him.

"I see you're more pathetic than the rumors were saying about you." Dabi stormed up and burst through the bathroom door, causing Tomura to scream. So, he snatched his bag of Chex Mix and continued, "I'm doing this for your own good. You need help. More than I can give you."

Tomura was hissing in the corner. "I don't have a problem!! Now hand back the Chex!"

"You need to be quarantined! You're an absolute wreck."

"I used to kill heroes but now that I'm just chilling out in sweats having a normal life, you think I'm insane?"

"Well, yes."

"Makes sense."

Tomura then fell down the stairs, probably dying inside. Dabi only facepalmed.

I couldn't believe it. The dance was tonight! I hope I wouldn't screw it up for myself. This was the night of my life! I was so excited that Zac Efron from High School Musical popped out of me and started singing, 'A Night To Remember'.

After that weirdness, Tomura walked in with his hair pulled back in a greasy ponytail and his Aquaman pajamas. His head looked like an egg. "Hey, (Y/N). I can do your hair. And I've watched a lot of James Charles. I could totally do your makeup too."

"No thanks, I choose life."

He put his French fry in his cup of yogurt and replied, "Who else would you trust besides me?"

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