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Kelly looked at her mom. Her mom was stunning. Big blue eyes, a small nose and long red hair hid the secrets inside. Kelly stared at her mom. She seemed to be packing something. Kelly's mom looked at her. 

"Come here. Don't just stare, it's not polite," Kelly's mom beckoned. Kelly ran over. Kelly was young, to young for what was about to happen. 

"What are you doing?" asked Kelly.

"It's a secret. Can you keep a secret?" Her mom asked, looking serious. When Kelly nodded she went on, "A long time ago there were three sisters. The sisters hid a gem from there brother because he stole things. This gem was very important to the family, and the whole world. In the wrong hands it can do great harm. The sisters were gradians of the gem, but they forgot the location of it. We are the next gradians. It is our job to find the gem. That's where I'm going. I need to find the gem. You must be good while I'm gone and," Kelly's mom paused unsure if she should say it, "You must say I'm dead. You tell them that you found me like this," she gestured to a dummy on the bed, "If you don't I will be dead. Do you understand?" 

"Y-yes mommy," Kelly said.

"Good now sit here until your father wakes up," Kelly's mom said leaving the poor girl, "I love  you." That was the last time Kelly ever saw her mother.


When the police came to the house they said suicide. The death was confusing. A happy woman with a little girl doesn't just kill herself. They concluded the husband abused her or threatened her, so Kelly's dad was taken away and Kelly went to foster care.     

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