Chapter Four

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The next day, Celeste and Kelly walked to Mayor Lai's house. He lived a block away. It was a simple two-story white brick house with blue trim. It looked like most of the houses in Westbury.

Kelly knocked on the door. A smiling woman opened the door.

"Hello Mrs. Lai," said Kelly.

"Hello, Kelly. And who is this," Mrs. Lai said.

"I'm Celeste Campbell," Celeste stuck out her hand and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

"Hello. Yes, Chang mentioned you two were coming," said Mrs. Lai, "Come in."

The girls walked into the house. Celeste looked around. The house was very neat. It was too neat. To her, a house without mess meant the owners had something to hide.

Kelly didn't think anything of the clean house. She was so excited she'd get to learn a little about her mom. Even though Kelly's mom had lived in Westbury her whole life, no one seemed to talk about her. All Kelly knew was that her mom was a bit of a trouble maker, though she kept to herself a lot. The weirdest thing about it all was the fact that no one ever mentioned Celeste's dad to her. All they ever said was that she always hung out with two boys. Kelly now supposed they meant Mayor Lai and Celeste's dad.

"Chang is on a phone call. He'll be done in about an hour. Wait here," said Mrs. Lai said, lending the girls into the kitchen.

Kelly messed with her bracelet. It was a friendship bracelet from Jasmine. Kelly didn't think Jaz ever really wanted to be her friend. Jaz just walked up to her on the first day of school after looking deep in conversation with her mom. Kelly suspected Jaz's mom told her to be friends with Kelly. Kelly had never even mentioned Jaz to Camren. She didn't even know why she still wore the bracelet.

Celeste paced the kitchen. She never could sit still very long. Then she heard Mayor Lai's voice. Thinking he was coming into the kitchen she walked to the door.

"I know this could be our last chance! This is the best plan we've come up with in eight years! This will work!"

Celeste realized he was still on the phone and was about to go back to pacing. Then she heard the Mayor say her name.

"Yes. That Campbell girl is a wildcard, but Kelly will still be tempted. Celeste might even know more. I've been talking to Kelly's therapists for years and got nothing more than we already know. If Fiona didn't run away Kelly might know more. Celeste has lived with Jamie her whole life. She'll know about the Stone."

Celeste was confused. The Stone was a bed-time story her dad always told her. It was a story that she hadn't heard in years. Celeste tried to remember the story.

"Tell me the story about the stone!" Celeste would tell her dad.

"Okay. There used to be a wizard who made five magic stones. He gave one to each of his daughters. He was going to give one to his son, but the old wizard died before he could," her dad would say.

"Why did he die?" Celeste would interrupt.

Her dad would tap her on the nose and after scolding her for interrupting, he would say, "No one knows why the wizard died. Let's just say he got sick. Anyway, the son was jealous of his sisters. The stones could grant the user one hundred wishes. But first, the owner would have to go to a special spot in the forest. The son stole the youngest sister's stone. The stone put him in a trance and brought him into a forest. The son wished to be rich. He walked back to his house. On the way, he got lost and found an oil spring. He started the first oil company in Oklahoma. He became rich. He wished for long life, the best doctor in the world moved into his town."

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