Chapter Eleven

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Camren was sitting on the ground, head in her hands. Tears were streaming down her face. Kelly was gone, for good. The police had asked a million questions. Some of them Camren felt like she couldn't answer. Was Camren such a bad mom that her daughter ran away? Sure she wasn't perfect, but was she really that bad?

Dave walked over to her.

"Do you want some dinner?" he asked.

Camren shook her head.

"It's been a day, you have to eat something," Dave instead.

"I'm not hungry."

"Please, you be able to search better if you eat."

"Fine. I guess I'll have a sandwich," Camren said.

Camren walked over to the kitchen table. Kelly had never called her mom. Maybe Camren just wasn't good enough. Maybe if she had just been a better foster mom, then Kelly would be sitting in the chair across from her right now. It wasn't the first time Kelly had ran away, maybe that should've been a sign to Camren that she wasn't doing her job right. Maybe Camren should've let someone more qualified take care of Kelly. Then at least she would be safe. Camren hoped that Kelly was safe. Maybe some kind, old woman living on the edge of the forest took Kelly and Celeste in. Maybe the two girls were eating a fine meal right now and when they get sleepy they'd be placed in a soft, warm bed. Camren knew it was wishful thinking, after all, even in fairy tales the woman would turn out to be evil and the children would've been better off in the forest.

Dave put a sandwich in front of Camren.

"Do you think Kelly has anything to eat?" Camren asked.

"She's a resourceful girl, she'll find something. She reads so much that she probably knows how to catch and cook a rabbit," laughed Dave.

Camren smiled weakly. Dave was right, Kelly didn't need her. She could fend for herself.

"What if something happens? What if she doesn't come back?" Camren sobbed.

Dave's small smile faded. It was clear that he'd been asking himself the same question. No matter the strong-faced he'd been putting up for his wife's benefit.

"We will find her. She will be okay," said Dave, but it almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself.


Celeste followed Kelly for what she hoped was the last time. Last night, after the fight, Celeste and Kelly "enjoyed" a "fest" of barries and half-cooked insects in silence. Celeste let Kelly sleep last night, after all, neither of them could survive another night without rest. Well, Celeste was pretty sure that they could physically survive, but Celeste didn't want to slow down the hunt for the stone.

After what felt like ages, Kelly stopped walking. Kelly turned to Celeste.

"After you," she said, in a dreamy voice that was most definitely not Kelly's.

They were stopped at a cave. It was stunning. It seemed to be made of some sort of blue and green crystal that you would see only in storybooks. Which Celeste supposed was fitting. After all, any sane person would believe the stone was just a thing in a storybook.

Celeste stepped inside. The cave was gigantic. It seemed to be bigger on the inside than on the outside. Celeste's eyes light up. She would be the first in her family to find the stone and come back alive.

Kelly followed Celeste inside.

"Right this way my dear. Soon all your dreams will come true," Kelly said, in the strange, dream-like voice.

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