Chapter Thirteen

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Kelly stared at Celeste. Celeste didn't have to be a mind reader to know what she was thinking. Kelly couldn't believe that Celeste would say such a thing. Kelly had no idea what she was getting herself into. If Kelly was going to survive in Celeste's world, she'd have to get comfortable with the idea of murder. Of course, Gabrielle had been murdered, but that was different. Fiona did that because she was jealous. Jealous of how a fifteen-year-old figured out the way the power moved before Fiona. That murder was wrong. Murder to stop evil, that murder was good.

"I'm going to my room," Kelly said, opening the closest of the doors.

Celeste sighed as Kelly slipped away. Celeste was never good at keeping friends. She always said the wrong thing just as she was getting close to someone. She always put herself out there, only to be chased away. Celeste didn't even know why she tried.

Celeste went into the other bedroom. She gasped. A gigantic window overlooked the forest outside. Trees of all types stood growing wild. The bed had a light green bedspread that when Celeste walked over to feel it, felt like the softest silk. The pillows also appeared to be made of silk. A wardrobe was in one corner and a huge vanity was in another.

Celeste opened the wardrobe. Inside were three dresses that looked like they belonged to a Disney princess. One was green and had long sleeves that ended just at the wrist. Another was pink and was almost a carbon copy of the dress Aroua wore in the movie. Celeste touched one and it was super soft.

A knock was heard at the door. Celeste ran over to answer it.

"Hello, miss. Mistress Griffen asked me to give these to you," said a boy, holding a pile of dresses. The pile was so big, the boy's brown eyes were barely poking out at the top.

"Let me help you," said Celeste, taking half of the pile.

The boy smiled at her. His hair was a light brown and his skin was very pale.

"Thank you. Where should I set this down?" he asked.

"On the bed please," said Celeste.

The boy put the clothes on Celeste's bed. The boy's smile made her stomach feel weird.

"I'm Celeste. What's your name?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to guests," said the boy, looking down at his feet.

"Just tell me your name," pleaded Celeste.

"Valerian. Don't tell anyone I spoke to you more than I had to," said the boy, after he looked around as if to make sure no one was listening.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Valerian," said Celeste with a smile.

Valerian nodded before exiting. Celeste sighed. The boy seemed so kind and gentle. His smile made her heart fill up with happiness. Valerian was such a noble name. It sounded like valor, and valor meant brave. He was brave. He talked to her even though he knew he could be punished for it. Valerian was also the cutest boy she'd ever met. He had little freckles on his nose and his eyes were big. If he wasn't tall, she might have thought that he was ten. Celeste was pretty sure he was thirteen though.

Celeste closed her eyes and every time she did, she saw Valerian's warm, kind, sweet smile smiling at her and only her.


Kelly stared at the dresses on her bed. Most of them were a light purple color. They were all very long. Kelly sighed. For church, she sometimes had to were long dresses. She hated them. Not because they were dresses, she liked dresses, but because they were hard to run in. After church, she and some other kids would race to help stretch their legs after they'd sat down for an hour. When Kelly wore long dresses, she had always lost.

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