Chapter 2

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"Huh? I don't have any cousins. Both my parents were only childs," Kelly said.

"No. My dad is your mom's brother. They a big fight soon after I was born. They don't talk anymore. That's probably why your mom never mentioned him," Celeste explained.

"Why are you here?" Kelly asked.

"My dad wanted to make peace with your mom. He said he missed her."

"He's too late. My mom died eight years ago," Kelly said, she didn't want to seem crazy in front of this "cousin".

"Oh. Dad's going to be devastated."

"Anyway. Where is he."

"He wanted me to come first. Just in case your mom wasn't ready to see him."

"Why are you walking? Through the forest no less?"

"We live about three miles from here. I love to walk. It gives off less carbon dioxide," Celeste shrugged.

"Okay. So I guess you better go," Kelly told her.

Celeste's phone rang. She walked a little more into the trees, then answered it.

"Hello," her dad's voice said.

"Oh, hey. Um, there's something I need to tell you," Celeste started.

"Just a second Hunny," Celeste's dad said, "there's an urgent business trip me and your mom have to go on. Can you see if your aunt can watch you for the next five days? Okay bye."

"Dad, wait-" Celeste started, but it was too late. He already hung up.

"Well," said Kelly.

"Funny story, my parents are on a business trip. Can I stay at your place?" asked Celeste.

"And what am I supposed to say to Camren. I went on a walk, found my long lost cousin, can she stay for a week?"


Kelly huffed, "Are you sure there's nowhere else you can go?"

"I positive. I'm homeschooled so I have no friends. Other than you, I have no family," Celeste said.

"Fine. We can ask Camren. Let's go."

The two girls walked towards the house. By this time Camren was very worried and about to call the police. That's when she saw Kelly walking through the forest with another girl. Camren had never seen this girl before. Westbury was a small town, and Camren had lived there her whole life. She had been convinced that she knew everyone. Apparently, she was wrong.

"Kelly there you are. What were you doing? I told you to stop. You didn't listen. No TV for a week," Camren said hugging the girl.

"Camren. I found someone in the forest. Meet Celeste Campbell. My cousin. Celeste this is my foster mom, Camren Bennett. Can Celeste stay with us for a few days? She has nowhere else to go," Kelly said.

"You have a cousin?" Camren asked.


"Have you met her before?"


"And you know she's your cousin because?"

"She told me."

"Celeste, how do you know Kelly's your cousin?"

"My dad told me that my aunt's last name was Jones and she had a daughter named Kelly. Also, Kelly looks a lot like her mom in the pictures I've seen. Taken together, there's no way she could be anything else," Celeste explained.

"Why do you need to stay with us?"

"Because my parents had to go on an urgent trip for business. This happens a lot. But I was already coming to visit Kelly's mom. So my dad assumed she would let me stay with them. They had a big fight fourteen years ago. Dad wanted me to try to make peace with her. He didn't know that she died," Celeste explained.

Camren looked at the girl it was clear she needed somewhere to stay. Even if she was lying, Camren couldn't live with herself if she left the girl alone.

"How long will your parents be gone?"

"Dad said five days, but knowing him it'll be closer to seven."

"Alright. You can stay," said Camren, "You're fine sharing your room Kelly?"

"Yes. I'm fine with it. But Celeste will sleep on the floor."

"Deal," said Celeste, "I love making pallets."


Celeste and Kelly were sitting in Kelly's room. It was after dinner and they were bored. Kelly couldn't watch TV because she was grounded and Celeste felt it would be rude to watch without her. So now they were just sitting there, Kelly listening to music, and Celeste playing a game on her phone. Suddenly Celeste put down her phone.

"So is Camren your stepmom?" asked Celeste.

"No. She's my foster mom."

"Why don't you live with your dad?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I just trying to make conversation."

"You don't ask personal questions to someone you just met."

"I thought no personal stuff was only a rule online," Celeste said.

"Your hopeless."

"I have an idea! Why don't I come to school with you this week!"

"I doubt they allow that."

"Your right. But what will I do while you're at school and Camren's and work?" asked Celeste.

Kelly bit her lip, "I don't know. Maybe the school will let you? You'd have to ask Camren."


Celeste got up and walked downstairs. Camren was reading a book on the couch. Her blonde hair was in a bun.

"Mrs. Bennett, what am I going to do while your at work and Kelly's at school? Will I just stay home?" asked Celeste.

Camren was startled. "Oh! There's no need to call me Mrs. Bennett. Camren will do. And as for what you'll do during the day, the principal of Kelly's school owes me a favor. I called her and she said you could tag along with Kelly tomorrow. Winter break starts the day after."

"Ok. Thank you Mrs- Camren," Celeste started back upstairs.

"Can you tell Kelly it's time to get ready for bed?" asked Camren.

"Sure," Celeste started upstairs.

When she got upstairs, Celeste had an idea. She walked on her tiptoes to Kelly's room. She carefully opened the door. She crept up to the window seat where Kelly was sitting. And them she ponced.

"BOO!" Celeste yelled.

"Oh, hey Celeste. What's up," Kelly said, turning around to face her.
"Your mom said to get ready for bed. Also, I'm going to school with you tomorrow," Celeste said.
"Ugh. It's only 8:30. I have the earliest bedtime in the world," Kelly groaned.
"Why don't you tell Camren that. Maybe you two could work something out?"
"Nah, I don't want to fight with her. I'm not exactly easy to handle. I don't want to make anything harder for her. I'll just stay up late reading like I always do," said Kelly grabbing some PJs from her closet.
Celeste grabbed a nightgown from her backpack. After getting dressed (which Kelly did in her room and Celeste did in the bathroom), the two got into bed. Though only Celeste fell asleep right away.

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