Chapter Eight

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Kelly's hands shook as she dialed the number. She didn't even know why she was nervous. Kelly listened to the phone ring once, twice, three times. Finally, someone picked up.

"Hello, do have any information on the case of Prisoner X?" said a bored sounding woman.

"Um, yes. I think I think her name is is Fiona J-Jones," Kelly said.

"Okay. Do you have any proof to back up these claims?" said the woman.

"She's she's my mom. We we could do do a DNA test if you'd you'd like."

There was a pause at the end of the line. Kelly was nervous. Kelly had learned about statistics in school. She knew that the likely hood of them not believing her was higher than them believing her. But she had to hope. Kelly was only one phone call away from seeing her mom again.

What if they believe you but don't let you see her, a nasty voice in Kelly's head said.

Shut up, she told it.

The doubts, however, kept floating into her mind. It was as if a leak was in blockade she'd put up. One that kept all doubt away. Kelly tried to patch up the hole.

"I'm going to talk to my supervisor. Please hold," said the woman.

Bad music started playing. Kelly turned to Camren. She had heard the whole conversation as Kelly put the phone on speaker.

"What do I do now?" Kelly asked.

"Wait to see what the police say," said Camren.

Finally, the music stopped and the woman started talking.

"Okay so um, we'd like you to come into the station today. Would three work?" said the woman.

Kelly looked at Camren who nodded.

"Ok. What will I have to do?" Kelly responded.

"Just a quick DNA test. Nothing too serious."

"A- Alright then."

"Great. Have a nice day!" the woman hung up.

Kelly couldn't believe what she just did. She had no idea why she felt so uneasy. Shouldn't she be happy? She was going to see her mom again. She might even get to hug her. Yet, Kelly had the feeling that she was hiding something from herself. Kelly once read something that said something like "what the mind forgets the heart remembers." What if something happened to her when she was younger? No, Kelly couldn't let herself think like that. Fiona was her mom, she wouldn't've done anything to hurt her. Right?

Camren watched Kelly. Kelly could feel her gaze even without looking at her. Kelly could tell that Camren was worried. Although, Kelly had no idea why Camren was so worried. Kelly had never been great at reading people, but most of the time she could read Camren like a book. It worried her a little that she couldn't read her now.

BANG! A crash was heard from upstairs. Kelly and Camren ran up. The door to Kelly's room flew open and barely avoided Kelly's face.

Celeste hurried to Kelly.

"I was sitting on the floor reading when one of the bookcases fell! It was the one with all the rocks!" Celeste explained in a panic.

Kelly ran into her room. It was true, all of her stones were on the carpet. The top shelf of the bookcase had fallen and broke every single one of the selves below it.

Kelly examined the damage. The bookshelf could not be fixed. One of her bigger stones made a dent in the wall. All of the stones were on the floor, but none seemed to be broken. The lego castle Kelly made when she was ten, however, was broken.

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