Chapter 20

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Foxys POV

"He's gonna what?" I don't think I heard her correctly

"I think Brayden is gonna kill Freddy."

I started to get dizzy at the thought. I still loved Freddy. He couldn't die... No... I wouldn't let that happen.

"What are we gonna do?" I looked over at Chica. She was crying.

She shook her head. "I thought he was better than this..."

I gave her a comforting hug. None of this would've happened if Brayden had never hurt Freddy...


None of this would've happened if Chica hadn't told Brayden.

Knowing Brayden, he probably pressured her into telling him. Then, knowing Chica, she blamed it on me so that she wouldn't hurt him.

But that hurt me.

I know why I couldn't see, but I had no idea why I was coughing or having trouble speaking.

What did Brayden do after I blacked out.

I needed to tell somebody to check the cameras...

I'd use my weird telepathy thing but my head really hurts.

I tried to get something out, a noise, a word, something.

I groaned. Thats all that I could get out.

"Freddy, can you speak now?.." Foxy rubbed my arm comfortingly.

I groaned again, I was trying to say something but I couldn't get anything out.

Although it hurt, I tried to use my telepathy thing.

"Go check... The... Camera... I need.... to know... what Brayden... d-did..." I barely got it through. I felt a sharp pain in my head afterwards. I fell foward with my hands to my head.

Foxy talked to me without using the telepathy thingy, "Okay, just dont do that again, I can tell it hurts you to use your telepathy thingy..."

Foxy grabbed Chicas arm and left me in Pirate Cove.

Five nights at Freddys 2 *FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now