Chapter 13

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To make up for all te time that I was gone, ima write all night!

Besides, I have this all planned out!


Anyways, have fun!

Ps: don't get too emotional next chapter ;)

Brayden's POV

Chica has been kinda; sweaty -lately...

I'm assuming shes hidin something...

I know its not about Foxys hair, we all know that one by now...

But she's been holding this secret back for about a week, that's the longest shes ever kept a secret.

So, I'll just start grilling her until she gives in...

I know, I may seem like a bad boyfriend for this, but would you want to hug your girlfriend if she was sweaty all the time?

Didnt think so...

"Hey, babe? We haven't had any alone time lately..." I sat next to her on the stage. "Anything... New?"

"New? No, uhh, not lately..." she looked away. This is gonna be so easy.

"Are you sure? You seem a little... Nervous..."

"Nervous? Uhh, I-I don't know what you're talking about!.."

I'm a douche...

I scooted closer.

"Well if you ever wanna talk about anything thats happened, maybe with Freddy, then my doors always open, okay?"

"Freddy? Why Freddy? Freddy and I are just fine and normal!" she laughed nervously.

She's really trying...

I kinda feel bad...


I know I should, but its for her own good, shes stressing... A lot...

"Really?" I put my arm around her.

"Yup! Really!" he laughed again, this time louder and I could tell she was closer to telling me.

"Okay, well, talk to you later." I was about to leave when I gave her a short yet passionate kiss on the lips.

I got up when he grabbed my hand.

"Maybe I do have something on my mind..."

Five nights at Freddys 2 *FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now