Chapter 11

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Still lazy as fuck


No music...

Freddys POV

What the fuck just happened...

Chica just kissed me out of no where...


"Uhh..." we blankly looked at eachother.

"We should pretend this never happened..." she shrugged it off.

"Chica, you suck at keeping secrets..." I rolled my eyes.

"I do not!" she said, then blurted, "Foxys hair isn't natural!"


"Nothing..." she smiled and patted my shoulder.

She looked at me with her desperate eyes. "Come on Freddy.."

"Fine.." I finally gave in, mainly because I wanted to forget it happened. Then Foxy and Brayden got back.

"We got the short fixed..." Brayden coughed as Foxys voice glitch shocked him. "He didnt come out to smooth.." Brayden pointed to Foxy.

Foxy rubbed his neck and chuckle a bit.

This secret is gonna be a hard one to keep..

Five nights at Freddys 2 *FANFIC*Where stories live. Discover now