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  Night'Breeze buried the mice as she sniffed the air once more. This time she smelled Spotted'Stripe and Bright'Wing, she also smelled a hint of prey. 'I guess they found all that they could.' She thought as she quickly dug up the three mice.

  Spotted'Stripe was carrying a starling, while Bright'Wing held a squirrel. Night'Breeze picked up the three mice. They were small and thin from it becoming Leaf-Fall. The starling that was being held in Spotted'Stripes jaws was a bit thin. But the squirrel looked juicy.

  The three cats began to pad back to camp. The fresh kill held tightly in their jaws. When they reached the camp, they noticed Dawn'Star talking to Cinder'Feather in a low tone. Curiosity struck Night'Breeze but she continued to pad to the fresh kill pile. 

  She placed down the mice as the two other cats placed down the starling and squirrel. Bright'Wing smiled, "I definitely managed to get a good stretch while hunting. What about you Night'Breeze?" Bright'Wing mewed happily.

  Night'Breeze smiled back, "Same here." Night'Breeze purred as Spotted'Stripe smiled at the two she-cats. Night'Breeze yawned, then she realized how drowsy she felt. "I'm going to the warriors' den to take a quick nap." She mewed as she stood up.

  Spotted'Stripe and Bright'Wing nodded, "I'll be in the medicine den." Bright'Wing mewed as she padded to the medicine den. Night'Breeze padded to the warriors' den.

  She quickly curled into some moss and began to drift into a sleep. She woke up under SilverPelt. Though that was the only thing she can see, everything else was dark. She soon heard the sound of a rushing river, then cats shrieking. A whisper rose above it all, "Beware! Beware! A battle is near!" The voices seemed to swirl around in her mind as water appeared in front of her. "A flame held dear will turn to smoke! Revenge from a brown shadow!"

  Night'Breeze felt the wave consume her, it was as cold as ice. She woke up quickly. The cats in the warriors' den was asleep. Spotted'Stripe was beside her, she leaned in closer to him. Taking in his scent as she tried going back to sleep.

  Before she knew it, her eyes opened due to the dull light of the sun seeping into the warriors' den. Night'Breeze stood up and stretched. She padded out of the den.

  Clouds were covering the sun, causing the dull light. "It seems like its going to rain." Bright'Wing mewed as she padded up to Night'Breeze.

  Night'Breeze looked at Bright'Wing and nodded. "Do you think it could possibly be a storm?" Night'Breeze asked with concern.

  "Probably just a drizzle, no need to worry. Me and Cinder'Feather should patch up those holes in the medicine den now." She mewed as she stood up. "Want to help?" Bright'Wing mewed curiously.

  Night'Breeze nodded and stood up. "Sure!"

  Bright'Wing padded to the medicine den with Night'Breeze following. Cinder'Feather was already weaving leaves into some of the holes.

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  After finishing the medicine den with Cinder'Feather and Bright'Wing, Night'Breeze padded out of the den. A rain drop fell onto her nose. She shook her head to get the rain drop off. She realized it was going to rain soon.

  Night'Breeze padded to the nursery to check if there were no holes, luckily there wasn't. She wanted to make sure the Clan would be protected from the rain. The kits were happily playing, but one of them wasn't. Storm'Kit sat beside his mother, his eyes filled with a hint of sadness.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now