Qiao Nan could only tidy up the mess that Qiao Zijin made and put them in the study room.

During dinnertime, Qiao Nan did not notice that Qiao Zijin kept stealing furtive glances at her. It was only when Qiao Zijin was sure that Qiao Nan did not think anything was amiss, that she settled down to eat.

“Qiao Nan, Teacher Lee wanted to see you in the office.” On Monday at school, Zhao Yu passed the message to Qiao Nan in disgruntlement.

“Thank you.” Even though Zhao Yu was merely relaying message for Teacher Lee, Qiao Nan was still polite to Zhao Yu. Qiao Nan did what she had to do.

Zhao Yu sat down in her chair, puffing in anger. Her good friend leaned in and asked, “Why would Teacher Lee ask Qiao Nan to go to the office?” Everything except to reprimand her.

Even if Teacher Lee was not satisfied with Qiao Nan’s results, Qiao Nan scored 92 points for her mid-term exams. Teacher Lee might be dissatisfied, but it was only because the teacher had high expectations of Qiao Nan.

Not everyone would be able to score 90 points and above for Chinese in junior high school.

“Teacher Lee said that there is a essay competition in the province and would like Qiao Nan to participate.”

“What about you, you are the representative of the Chinese subject.” It made no sense that Qiao Nan could participate while Zhao Yu could not.

“Of course I would participate.” Zhao Yu arched her eyebrows. “This is only the preliminary round, the school will hold a selection to cut down to five participants. I am one of the five participants.”

“I thought the students can just participate in the essay competition directly?”

“Of course not, this is the province essay competition after all.” But there were five slots, her essays were pretty well written. It could not be wrong, she was definitely one of the five participants.

“You must work hard, we have lost out to Qiao Nan in terms of results, we must squash her in the essay competition no matter what. Zhao Yu, you can do it!”

“I have to, let’s wait and see.” Her friend was egging her on and Zhao Yu was so boastful and arrogant. Zhou Lei could not help but laugh at them.

Like Zhao Yu said, Teacher Lee asked to see Qiao Nan with regards to the essay competition.

Teacher Lee and all the teachers in the Chinese team knew that given Qiao Nan’s standard, if she did not participate in the essay competition, there was no one else who would be qualified enough to participate.

“Teacher Lee, can I not participate in the competition? You should know my results, I have a lot of knowledge points to revise, it would take up too much of my time to participate in the competition.”

One had to go through one round of selection in school and then proceeded to take part in the province competition, all these rounds would take up too much time.

Even when she tutored Zhu Baoguo during the weekend, Qiao Nan spent most of the time doing her own revision.

Qiao Nan did not want to waste more of her time.

“Qiao Nan, I would recommend you to take part in the competition. If you manage to get a prize, it would add points to your middle school exams.” Teacher Lee knew that Qiao Nan was most concerned about the exams and used that to persuade Qiao Nan.

Qiao Nan was so concerned about not wasting her time so that she could revise, it was all for the sake of doing well in the middle school exams.

She believed that Qiao Nan would take up the offer if she knew that it would add points to the exams.

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