Chapter 20 (Happy Ending)

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Hospital Lobby

"She's okay, she's right now in stable condition. You may see her, but please be careful as she may be asleep."

The doctor smiled and bowed before walking away. The boys thanked him and ran to her room. They quickly but quietly opened the door to see Y/n sleeping softly.

The boys and Yoojung walked into the room and softly talked, while they were talking they didn't notice Wooyoung slip away from the group and sit next to Y/n, intertwining their hands. He lightly put his head down on their hands.

"Wooyoung..?" Wooyoungs head shot up immediately and he saw a weakly smiling Y/n.

"Y/N!" He hugged her tight, making sure not to hurt her. Tears streamed down his face.

The boys heard Wooyoungs loud voice and turned immediately, seeing Y/n wide awake hugging Wooyoung. They all felt nothing but happiness go through their bodies, running to her side.

"Y/n you're okay!!" Yoojung was the next to hug her.

Everyone had a group hug and the doctor came in to check on her. Y/n was told to just stay in the hospital for about another week so she could fully heal.

Wooyoung came everyday, and slept with her some of the days. Even though y/n told him countless times to go home he would reject her offer.

○• A week later •○•

"You are free to leave Y/n! Just next time be careful alright?" Y/n nodded and Wooyoung walked in with her clothes. There was one question in y/ns head though.

'Should I continue the mafia life?'

Wooyoung snapped her out of her thoughts when he called out for her as she stopped walking. They all met up at the dorm and Y/n walked around with a smile and went straight to her room, flopping on her bed.

Y/n then heard the door close once she layed down.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Y/n sat up and saw Wooyoung walking towards her bed, sitting next to her. She nodded.

"What erm, what are we?" Wooyoung was scared of the answer, scared of rejection.

"Whatever you want us to be, Woo." Y/n put her head on his shoulder, snuggling up to his side softly.

"Then I want you to be mine, Y/n" This made her eyes wide, she looked up at Wooyoung who held her hands with a loving gaze and smile.

"Really?" Y/n had tears in her eyes. While she looked up at Wooyoung.

"Choi Y/n, the sister of my bestfriend. Will you be my girlfriend? The one I cherish the most and promise to give my upmost best to?" Y/n hugged Wooyoung tight, before kissing him. They pulled apart and Y/n agreed.

○•○ Years later ○•○

They went on to be a couple, Yunho finally asked Yoojung out and they become a couple, Seonghwa Started talking to Soojin a bit more and they became amazing 'friends' and the rest of the boys found girls of their own.

"And that's how your father and I met." Y/n said looking at her daughter who was sitting with her on the couch.

"Woahhh, so you guys fell in love when you were kids?"

"Yep! After he asked me out Your uncle's and I became unstoppable. We became what we are today, the biggest gang in the world. Which you and your brother will be apart of when you get older." Y/n smiled at Yeonji, her 13 year old daughter.

"That's so cool, I want to be just like you!" Y/n smiled brightly and stood up.

"Let's go and see what Daddy and Yeonjin are doing hm?" Yeonji smiled and they walked to the gun area where Wooyoung was teaching Woojin the basics in weapons.

"Hi appa!" Yeonji ran to Wooyoung with a smile while Woojin finished his last round of bullets and put everything away.

"Nothing for me?" Yeonji laughed and hugged him too.

"Ah, I have such adorable Twins." Wooyoung smiled at the two siblings.

"You? They're mine too, they came out of me." Y/n lightly punched Wooyoungs shoulder, which led to him pouting.

"Guess who's here!!!" The 4 heard the loud echo and The couple laughed.

"Lets go and greet Uncle San and the others hm?" Woojin and Yeonji ran out the door laughing and screaming for their uncles.

"You're brother is so loud, my god." Wooyoung laughed as they followed their children.

"I'm surprised he's still that crazy, even with his kids." They both walked up to see all the children playing together on the floor.

"Yoojung!" The bestfriends hugged tightly and they then went to watch their children play.


A/n: IT'S THE ENDD. omg guys, thank you so much for all the support on this book. You guys made me the happiest person in the world. I'll be working on the next book right after this chapter is published. Again thank you all, I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it. ♡

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