Chapter 8

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! ! SUICIDE ATTEMPT AHEAD ! !9:45 amSchool

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9:45 am

-3rd Person POV-

The boys showed up at school expecting to see her but they found her no where. Yoojung asked them millions of questions about where she was and how she never came home that night. It scared them because of the promise they had made years before. They had to find her before they did and before it was too late. Yoojung told them she lived now with Y/n and how she saved her from her home.

"So where do you guys think she is?" Yoojung said worry lacing her voice.

"She could be anywhere.." San said mumbling under his breath.

School ended and they were still clueless of where she was. The 9 of them are together then headed off to Yoojung and Y/n's House. They were all talking but one specific person was still quiet. He felt like this was all his fault, she's in danger because of him. Before he could blame himself anymore they walked into the home only to hear quiet sobs. Yoojungs head snapped to the stairs and ran at full speed. The boys were confused but stayed at the bottom of the stairs until a scream was heard.

"Y/N! BOYS HELP." Yoojung said but you could hear she was crying.

They all ran up the stairs, Yunho almost tripping. They went to the room furthest down and found Yoojung on the floor with Y/n in her arms.

"What happened?!" San said running towards his sister.

"I found her on the f-floor. She was sobbing but I heard a crash and saw her unconscious."

"Oh my God! She cut her wrists, call an ambulance NOW!"

- - -

11:58 pm
City Streets

-Y/n's POV-

I ran, ran as fast as i could. I couldn't bare another second there, all the memories flowing back so quick. I still couldn't believe i loved a gangster. I always loved him, but my 'parents' always told me Gangsters were bad people, that they killed helpless people..

I was walking, looking down while silently crying. This was until I bumped into someone or something. Looking up I saw a male who looked around my age maybe.

"Hey..? You okay, you're a mess." He said trying to stop me from crying.

"I'm okay.. if only I wasn't always lied to. But thank you, I'll be going now." But before I could leave he grabbed my wrist.

"Here, take my number. My names Jae by the way. If you ever need someone you can talk to me." He said hopefully, closing my hand after he put a paper in my fist.

I nodded with a slight smile and walked home. I looked at the dark home and thought to myself. Now that I could remember it all I couldn't keep the depressing thoughts out of my head. I walked up the stairs and to my room. Sitting on the bed I thought aloud to myself.

"Would they even miss me..?" I said staring at the pair of scissors on the desk near the bed. Grabbing the scissors I started quietly sobbing while slitting Marks and painting my wrists in red. I had heard the front door open but chose to ignore it and kept cutting. Before I could stop I heard the door open and all I saw was darkness but I managed to hear a voice.


Then I fell into a slumber.

- - -

-??? POV-

"Did you see her?"

"Yep, and she was vulnerable as well. I think I'm gaining her trust."

"Perfect Job, Jae. Now all we need is a reason for her to wanna kill those boys."

"Wonpil, why do we have to kill them?"

"Do I personally want them dead? No. But boss says we need to get the girl to kill them soo."

"Don't worry Dowoon, we don't wanna do this just as much as you don't either."

"Guys, she's in the hospital."

"What? How did you know sungjin?"

"I'm the information gatherer of the group, why so surprised? Besides she was just checked in so I think jae should head over and see if he can gain her trust even more."

"On it."

- - -
9:50 pm
Hospital, Outside Y/ns Room

-Wooyoungs POV-

Why would she do this? It's all my fault isn't it? Why did I let her go. Why did it have to happen this way. I'm so stupi-

"Woo, calm down. I know you think you're at fault but it isn't." Hongjoong said sitting next to me.

"But it is. She shouldn't have figured this out, if not now later."

"Just calm down, we all are just as frustrated. Look at Yoojung. She's devastated just like you, Woo." I glanced at Yoojung and saw she was sobbing in Yunho's arms.

"I guess- wait hyung." I said noticing someone at the receptionist desk.


"He looks familiar. Where do we know him from?" I said tilting my head in the persons direction.

"I don't... know. He does look familiar though." Hongjoong started thinking but before he said anything a nurse came over to us.

"Are any of you family?"

"Yes, I am ma'am. I'm her Brother." San said standing up almost immediately.

"Okay, may I have a word with you?"

"Sure, but can you please just tell us all if she's okay?" San said glancing at Yoojung and then my way.

"Ah, of course. Y/n is doing fine, she has major blood loss and we aren't sure when she will wake up. You all may see her while I talk to him."

As we walked into the room I glanced at the strange guy just to see him looking right back at me. But as I stared at him he mouthed something to me.

"Watch Out, Wooyoung."

To Be Continued...

× × ×

Hello, Not very often will I write notes here but I wanted to recap on what just happened in this chapter. As you can now see -and if you still are confused- Day6 is the opposing group against Ateez. Y/n did this because when you are hit with forgotten memories it can be extremely difficult and hard on a person as she remembers every sad thing and the memory of her parents. Lastly, please. If you are ever suicidal or have these thoughts tell someone. I'm here for anyone who needs a person to talk to. Depression and Suicide are no joke and should never be taken as a joke. I really hope you all are enjoying this story, Meda out.♡

Remember, dont be a silent reader.

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