After the cobweb was completely taken off, Night'Breeze stood up and thanked Cinder'Feather.

                                                                                 Page 2

  Night'Breeze padded slowly around the moors with Muddy'Paw. Asking him if he smells anything. Before Muddy'Paw could answer, Night'Breeze smelled a stale scent of badger.

  "I smell a. . ." Muddy'Paw sniffed the air, "A mouse, and Wind Clan scent." He answered confidently.

  "Good job, let's continue walking." Night'Breeze meowed as she continued to pad through the moors. Muddy'Paw followed with his tail held up high. They soon reached the border of the moors, smelling a mix of Wind Clans markers and Thunder Clans. "What do you smell now?"

  Muddy'Paw sniffed the air, "Thunder Clan with Wind Clan. This is the border." He meowed as he looked at Night'Breeze. The wind blew through the two cats fur, flattening it. The wind was cold and caused Muddy'Paw to shiver slightly. "Leaf-fall is here, isn't it Night'Breeze?"

  Night'Breeze nodded, "Soon prey will be more scarce. . ." She mewed briskly. "Let's go hunt, we'll need all the prey we can get." Night'Breeze continued. She padded silently through the moors with Muddy'Paw by her side.

  Night'Breeze flicked her tail to the left and Muddy'Paw nodded. He stalked away to the left. Night'Breeze thought it would be a good idea if they split up to find prey. Yet again, she smelled the stale scent of badger. Something told her to keep checking the scents in the air.

  She sniffed the air, smelling a mouse behind a stone. She could even hear it nibbling on a small seed. Night'Breeze stalked closer to the stone, her mouth watering as she though of sinking her teeth into the delicious smelling mouse.

  Night'Breeze leapt over the stone, scooping up the scrawny mouse in the process. She killed the mouse by snapping its neck. 'This can barely feed a kit!' She thought with a hiss. 'It's better than nothing. . .' She thought as she looked at the thin mouse. Night'Breeze scrapped some dirt onto the mouse and padded again through the moors.

  She smelled Muddy'Paw due to the chilly wind blowing towards her. 'He must be up ahead.' She thought as she continued to pad towards him. Another wind blew but it carried another scent. 'Badger!' Night'Breeze thought with fear as she began to pelt across the moor just to find Muddy'Paw.

   Muddy'Paws hindleg was badly injured, but the apprentice continued to move around the badge. He was using the fighting moves Night'Breeze taught him. The brown apprentice had crimson filling his fur on the side.

  Night'Breeze needs to step in. Night'Breeze quickly rushed into battle, she jumped onto the badgers back as it was distracted with Muddy'Paw limping circles around it.

  Muddy'Paw looked surprise but quickly focused on the badger. He jumped to the badgers hindleg and began to claw at it whilst Night'Breeze scratched and clawed at the badgers eyes. Muddy'Paw clawed at the hindleg.

  The badger tried getting Muddy'Paw off of its hindleg, but Muddy'Paw kept his grip in its fur. Night'Breeze managed to cut the badgers eye, causing it to flail. Night'Breeze was flung off the back of the badger, its eye full of blood. Muddy'Paw was also flung, nearly missing a tree.

  Muddy'Paw landed awkwardly on his now crimson hindleg. His side was also full of either the badgers or his own blood. Night'Breeze twisted her white paw, now almost completely bloody.

  The badger ran out of the moors, its black and white fur now disappearing from the moors. But before Night'Breeze could see if Muddy'Paw was alright, Willow'Speckle appeared in front of the two cats.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu