Chapter 15: Before Dark

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"If only I was a rat. Just a rat not a cat rat or
a bat rat but a rat" I sighed.

"You're still weird..."

I gasped and turned to the voice.

"Lee" Yeah it was him. He stood before me with a smirk. The kind of smirk that would make you melt like ice cream.

What in the world am I thinking??

"Umm excuse me who are you? " Jin asked, staring up at Lee with disdain.

"Uh, I'm Lee" He answers simply.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jin, Kaira, the Avatar's best friend in the whole entire world! " Jin said to Lee, getting to his feet.

"Don't mind him" I stood, pushing Jin's face away.

From the corner of my eye I saw Chiyo and Nico exchange weird glances.

"Wait.... What exactly is happening?" I asked, suddenly alerted again.

Lee sighed. "Uhh let's just-"

"Avatar! " Someone's voice echo's from one end of the hall to the other.

"You see what I mean about being a rat?" I looked over at Lee who smiled warmly at me.

"You need to get suited up. Everything has to end now" An older man said to me. He had dark skin, and blue eyes, and looked somewhere around dads age.

"What? " I blurted out.

"Come along avatar" He said simply.

"Oh, Uh, what about my friends? " I hesitated.

"They'll be well taken care of" He waved his hands at them, including Lee, " We need to go now"


"We must go"

"We came to help republic city, together"

"Very well, Lee please lead them to the armory" He shot Lee a commanding look. Lee nodded quietly and beckoned everyone aside with his head.

Jin perked an eyebrow at me to which I shrugged back at him.

"You come with me" The man said walking in the opposite direction of the rest. I looked back at them, then followed closely behind.

"Hey, how bad is everything? " I asked coming to walk beside him.

"It's better you see for yourself"

"Where's Mako? "

"My name is Opa–" I opened my mouth to interrupt but "–how old are you again? "

"15" We passed by rooms and big glass windows and statues and other stuff.

"So young" I heard him sigh, " Mako is not here right now. They're working on uh–a strategy to keep people safe"

"And the spirits" I added.

"Yes of course" His tone wasn't so sure sounding though.

"What exactly am I supposed to do? "

"You ask so many questions, young avatar. "

I narrow my eyes at him in annoyance. I'm only asked questions because I had no clue what to do.


Two hours later I'm sitting in a room filled with seven other older man and three women, dressed in something that felt like a heavy sheet of metal.

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