Chapter 6: Truths and Lies

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I thought there was something stuck in my ear.

I put my pointer finger in my ear, and wiggled around. Then I titled my head, hitting one side, attempting to remove any trash water that may or may not have gotten stuck in my ear.
"Hmm theres nothing inside" I mumbled to myself, earning some weird glances from the old men, Lee and dad. I continued sticking my fingers into my ears untill I felt satisfied.

"Sorry, I think I got some trash water stuck in my ear" I said, "what did you say again? "

"Uhh" One of the old men turned to the other and whispered something to him.

"Ms Kaira, you're the avatar" The same old man repeated. He looked water tribe-y

I unintentionally ywaned, I was cold, ok? "I think you guys got the wrong person. I'm sure, I'm not the avatar. I mean come on I'm a waterbender, isn't the next avatar supposed to be an earthbender or something?"

An arrow tattooed old man cleared his throat loudly, "That's true but also not true, the avatar is a waterbender—" My face twisted in confusion to even more confusion if that's even possible. "—and an earthbender and firebender and airbender"

"15 years ago when avatar korra passed a search started for the next avatar all over the world" The water tribe man explained, "Any child born to an earthbender was tested. You were also tested"

"Ok.....but why did you wait so long to tell me? " I still wasn't convinced.

"The people who tested you were traitors paid off to hide your identity. We were fooled, but they slipped up, confessed and got arrested, unfortunately this only happened recently"

This doesn't make any sense. I mean, I get it, but I don't get it. Paid off? That sounds a little too fishy.

"What exactly does this test consist of? "
I questioned, genuinely interested.

"Initially we tried out the earth method of the avatar but you weren't in the earth kingdow then and so it didn't work out well. So we decided to try out the traditional air nomad test, where the child is given a set of things to choose from. One of these things belonged to the past avatar. Children being children will choose whatever seems most attractive to them. Child after child chose the better looking thing, the shiniest, the loudest, the most chewable etc.. But you didn't, you chose the most plain" This time someone else explained, he looked around forty. He had blue eyes, eerily familiar blue eyes. He wore a uniform similar to Lee's.

"Ok so, how old was I when I took this test and what did I choose? "

"You were 3 when you took the test, and you were the only one who chose Avatar korra's bethroal necklace"

My mouth formed an 'O'. Aww that's sweet I didn't know Avatar Korra got married. But I'm still not convinced, there are still so many unanswered questions.

"That doesn't change the fact that I can't earthbend or firebend or airbend" I argued.

"For your age you should be able to have a fair understanding of the other elements, but..." The Airbender answered, scrunching his face.

"Maybe because I'm not actually the avatar" I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows up and down, "I think your little test didn't wo-"

"Its my fault" Dad interrupted, changing the mood drastically. Not this again. Why does he keep saying that. I stared at dad for the longest time.

"Kiva, you are obligated to tell us everything you know, since you are also the reason the avatar has been hidden for so long" Said the one who had been quiet this whole time. Everything about him screamed earthbender general.

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