Chapter 7: Earthbending Training

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I felt a lot better than last night

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I felt a lot better than last night. I wasn't mad at dad or anything. Im just disappointed. And the Avatar thing waa really confusing, especially after talking to Korra.

"Yo Kai, someone's here to see you. He said he's taking you to training or something— are you training in those secret underground fight camps? Are you like a street fighter " Jin pestered me as I slept on his couch and clicked through the black and white tv.

"Nope he's just some guy" I said continuing with my clicking. Ok I may not know who the guy at the door is. I didn't tell Jin about the old men or the avatar thing. I still couldn't believe it myself. Last night, after what happened, I walked to Jin's house and had a sleep over. His parents didn't mind, we grew up together, we were inseparable. Over the years they grew to love me as one of their kids too, as I grew to love and regard them as my second parents.

"He says his name is Lee" Jin said.

Fine maybe.

I sighed and got up, "best friend" I said as I grabbed Jin's shoulder, "if I die, please take good care of dumpling"

"Please don't die, I can't take care of her, I just can't" He pleaded, he almost looked like he was in pain.

"Ok I won't but pinky promise me" I put my pinky out for a shake, which Jin shook happily with his pinky.

I walked out to see lee, standing next to a car. Those really fancy cars that no one really knew the names of. No one being people like me.

"Are you supposed to take me to this 'training'? " Air quotes as I said training.

"No he is" Lee pointed to this really tall guy, who some how managed to hide behind the car for the past few seconds.

"Hello Miss Kaira, I will be driving you and Mr Lee to the training ground" The really tall guy opens the door for me and Lee as we climb in.

"Thank you,uhh—what was your name again? " I asked.

"Rika, but most people call rik" He replied. What a nice kind man.

After moments of sitting in silence I finally decide to start conversation with Lee.

"Did you always know who I was?" I asked Lee, who was staring out the window.

"No, bumping into you was a huge coincidence" He replied, his eyes glued on the blurring scenes outside.

"Where exactly is this training ground?"
I asked. This time he turns to me.

"You don't know? " A puzzled look on his face.

"As far as I know, we don't have a training ground in our town"

"Above the earth mazes?" He asked me.

"Wait? there? but isn't it out of bounds?"

"That's the whole point" He said matter of factly.

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