Chapter 13: Balance

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I never gave a thought to being the avatar. Heck, I didn't care about all that mumbo jumbo, it was all just me enjoying everyday as it was. And than boom! Suddenly I'm the avatar.

"Kaira you need to understand your role as the avatar? " Grangran scolds as I lay on my bed in my room.

"Oh yeah what's that? " I ask lazily.

"To bring balance to the world"

"I can't bring balance to the world, I can't even stand on one foot without falling over" I groan.

"That's exactly why, you need to find balance within yourself"

"How do I find this....balance?" I rub my nonexistent mustache, still in bed.

"Well it starts with you getting up! " She stomps her foot, and my beds flying up to the ceiling. It drops down with a loud thud sound, leaving me disgruntled.

"Sorry grangran, I'm coming... " I groan getting out of bed, almost sulking.

"Let's go" She sings triumphantly.

I mutter stuff under my breath walking out the door. In the living room, was Jin sleeping sideways on the couch, Nico meditating on the table and Chiyo watching TV like it was some kind of magical portal to another dimension. How ironic, we technically have a spirit portal.

The knock at the door would disprove my last thought. It didn't feel like someone I knew, an older man. Grangran walks to the door to open it. A man stood at the door, hair sticking to his face in sweat. He had dark skin and blue eyes. He says something to grangran which causes grangran to close the door on us. I move closer to the door, pressing my ear against it at an attempt to Eve's drop. I'm sorry, but I go by no quotes, especially curiousity killed the cat.

"We need her, now! " The man demands.

"My granddaughter is not ready! " Grangran breathed.

Granddaughter? Me? I mean she doesn't have any other granddaughter.... Or does she??

"The fate of the world lies in her hands, not yours"

"Enough of this, leave before I do something I'll regret" Grangran sneered. I couldn't hear what he said next but it made grangran gasp. And the door was opening and I'm falling onto my face.

"Avatar! " The man screeched.

"Hi" I groaned, lifting my face for a second.

"Avatar we need you! The North and South Pole and Republic city are under attack. The portals closed and the spirits left here are running wild. We need you to open them, set every thing right again" The man pleads. Oh man the world is ending.. I mean what?? Spirit portals closed?

My face was still flat against the concrete, but I slowly sat up then stood. I dusted my shirt and scratched my head, "I don't know if I can... "

"But you're the avatar you're supposed to know! " The man's eyes went wide, "Your young but avatar aang was younger when he ended the war! "

I'm not Anng or Korra, I wanted to say. But I was, "I'll come" The words left my mouth before I knew it. Grangrans jaw dropped.

"That's good to hear avatar, we need to leave right away! " The man bows in appreciation, "for republic city, where the rebellion is worst"

My face contorted in thought. I can't fight spirits, that's crazy, I'm not even a fighter I'm a... I don't know what I am.

"Guys, who wants to go to republic city?" I asked walking back into the living room. They stopped from what they were doing and looked up at me.

"Yah, who doesn't wanna go to republic city. Stop playing with us Kai, go away" Jin grumbled.

Nico and Chiyo looked at me weirdly before going back to what they were doing.

"No I'm not kidding.. "

They shoot up from their positions immediately.

"Republic city" Jin grabs at his cheeks, staring off into space, in awww. Standing on the couch.

"You serious? " Nico's faces jerks back. She stood on the table staring at me expectantly.

"Ahhh I've never been to REPUBLIC CITY I'd love to go to REPUBLIC CITY, I heard REPUBLIC CITY is amazing, they have flying cars and coloured Tv!!" Chiyo exclaimed, her voice rising everytime she said republic city.

"I'm serious, but the city is-"

"It's overun by angry spirits" The man cuts in.

"Who's he? " Nico asked, still standing on the table.

"Yeah, who are you? " I asked with raised eyebrows, suddenly becoming suspicious. Is it wrong to be suspicious of a man who came to your grandma's house telling you he's going to take you to a supposed spirit overrun city.

"I'm Sei, I'm a messenger sent to bring you to republic city, Mako sent me" He explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

How would Mako know where I was??

"When are we leaving? " I asked. Grangran sat quietly on the couch beside the still awwing Jin.

"Right now" He answered.

"Kaira before you leave, before you all leave" Grangran motions to all of us, "you kids are still small, my babies. But you are all very strong people, you will all be great people in the future"

"Thanks granny" Jin sobbed into her back, Chiyo climbs over to hug grangran, Nico moves to sit beside Grangran hugging her too. I walk over and drop down to the whole bundle of them.

"Can I get a hug too? " Sei asked with a frown. Now I'm really suspicious.

"Nope" Jin poked his tongue at the disappointed man.


"You know guys it's all so surreal" I mumbled.

"What is? Going to republic city? " Jin asks from the seat in front of me. Nico sat beside him, while Chiyo sat next to me. And dumpling slept soundly on the trains Hall, it took a lot of pursuing Sei into letting me bring her but he eventually agreed, and now he's gone to find some tea, because he said it gives him spiritual energy or something. After an hour or so of saying bye and hugging and other stuff to grangran we finally packed up and left for republic city.

"Yeah, no. I don't know, I've always just went my way with things. Did things on a whim, lazed around when I felt like it. Living carelessly. And now all of a sudden the fate of the word lies in my hand, an annoying, irresponsible, 15 year old, sucky earth bender" I sighed.

"Hey you're working on it, you can still earthbend" Chiyo reassured me with a  small smile.

"I can but-" It hurt, everytime. My head hurts everytime I earthbend. Not to the point where I feel like fainting, but rather a sharp sudden pain that comes as fast as it goes.

"You're also an amazing waterbender" Jin grinned.

"If I must say you are an exceptional airbender" Nico added.

"Thanks guys" I pause, looking out at the window at the blurring green landscape, "whatever happens just know that I love you guys"

And then I'm being slapped across the head by the idiot I call my best friend.

"Don't say that" He says with a pout. The kind of pout you'd make when your parents didn't take you to the park, after promising you weeks ago.

"Ouch" I groan rubbing my head. How did he get here? Beside me?

"We're gonna make it back" Jin said from beside me.

We were just kids, I wondered how we would save the world, let alone republic city.

Well whatever was gonna happen it wasn't going to be easy.

I've been having writers block, ugh. Curses.
Hope people are still reading.
Thank you🙃

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