I Drew Kaira!!!

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So uhh yeah

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So uhh yeah...
I'm not very good at drawing but, yeah. I tried getting my sis to draw her but it didn't come out the way I thought it would. So I took matters into my own hands and I drew the heck out of Kaira.

As you can tell I can't draw for shit. I totally suck. But I hope this gives you an idea of how I imagine Kaira.

I can't draw faces they're just too complex, I just can't. But I know that I want Kaira to have green eyes like her dad, bright green probably. Yeah...
And hands ugh don't get me started, I can only draw adventure time hands, the four finger ones!

I wanted her to look and act nothing like Korra who is strong willed and stubborn and just crazy strong. Kaira on the other hand is uhh the 'go with the flow' kind of person, you know, kind of oblivious, with a big heart. (I feel like some where down the line I will hate myself for creating such a character, but here we are and what the heck)

Thanks for reading..👌🏾✌🏾 maybe I'll draw the other characters next... 🤔🤔

Oh my gosh I just realized, I didnt say anything stupid, like in most of my authors notes, oh wait I think I'm talking about my other books or am I???, ok this is becoming crazy

Peace out!

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