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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

-Y/n POV-

It was almost two in the morning and I haven't seen Jungkook or Rosé.
"I told her to find him and immediately come back to the hotel room. Where could they have gone?" I tried checking their trackers but couldn't pinpoint where they were. Taehyung was trying to reach Lisa to get her to come back and help us.
"Why would she just leave like that? She knows that missions always have to come before personal life. That's in the contract." I shook my head. All of this was giving me a headache.
"I know. And she knows that as well. Ugh!!" I slam my fist on the table.
"Without Lisa here, we won't be able to contact the other two. Let me call her. I don't think she ever got your number. That's why she isn't answering you." I took my phone out and dialed her number. Not even two rings went buy when I heard someone pick up on the other side.
"Well well. Hello Agent X. So sorry, but your friend couldn't pick up the phone at the moment. She has her hands tied. But I'll gladly take a message." My heart stops when I hear who is on the other side.
"Ruby.. Where's Lisa!! What did you do with her!" Rage quickly took over my body. Her laugh didn't help either.
"I couldn't tell you that. That would ruin the fun. And besides. She's not alone. I have two other guests here to keep her company." A picture is sent through my messages.
"Have fun figuring out where we are." She hung up. I open the image and see Rosé, Jungkook and Lisa all tied up in chairs.
"No! How could this happen? I knew I shouldn't have left Rosé to find Jungkook by herself. How could I let this happen." I didn't know what to do. I was angry, and scared. With tears in my eyes, I show Taehyung the photo of our friends.
"This is all my fault." I look down at the floor.
"Hey, it's not your fault. We are going to get our friends back. But we need to calm down. Ok?" He lifts my chin up and wipes away my tears.
"How?" I look at him with misty eyes. His face turns serious.
"I'm not sure yet. But we will get them back. For now. You need to rest. You haven't been acting like yourself lately and I'm afraid you've run yourself too thin. I'll figure this out."
"But what if she hurts our friends! We can't be sleeping while she does that!" I head towards the door, but Taehyung stops me by placing his hands on my shoulders.
"She obviously captured them to get us to come to her. Right? She doesn't want them. She wants me. So, she won't waste her time on then. You can even see in the picture. The bindings aren't super tight. They Are tight enough to keep them there." He brings up the photo to show me. I sigh and see that he is correct. They aren't hurt whatsoever. No cuts, bruises. Nothing. He gently pushes me to our room and sets out some pjs for me.
"But what about you? I can't leave all of this to you. It's too much. I gotta-"
"Nope. No. If WE are going to do this together, you have to be yourself again. Now go get ready for bed. I'll look over everything and find a way to get our friends back." He closes the bedroom door, leaving me standing there with my pjs in my hand.

Maybe I should take a break. He is right. I haven't felt like myself lately.
I nod and agreed with myself. Getting ready for bed, I could slowly feel my body getting tired. But as soon as I was in bed, something felt off. I got up and opened the door to see Taehyung sitting at the coffee table looking over our papers. I took my pillow and a blanket from the bed and went out to where he was.
"I thought I said for you to sleep!" He whined. I ignored him and got on the couch. Laying my head down in his lap and falling asleep there.

-The next morning-

I woke up feeling a whole lot better than last night. And seeing a sleeping Taehyung next to me made it an even better morning. He was able to lay down next to me on the couch. I decided to just let him sleep and not wake him up. I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled my face into his chest. But this ended up waking him up.
"Good morning. How are you feeling?" He kissed the top of my head.
"A lot better. Thank you. So how are we getting our friends back?"
"I figured out a way. But it does put in some acting. Do you think you're up to it?" I nod. He sits up and pulls out a paper. I open my eyes and rub the sleep from them

Hey everyone!! There's a reason why this chapter is so short. So just bear with me! I hope you like my book so far! Please feel free to comment and don't forgetting vote!! And hey, if your already not following, go ahead and follow? 👀😂 Hope your day was amazing!!

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