Changing it up

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・💜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Y/n! It's time to get up! We have to go get our hair dyed again!" I heard Taehyung say.
"Mmmhmhmhm... noooo...." I rub my eyes and try to get up, but I fail. I lay back down on the bed and grab a pillow to snuggle with.
"No! Y/n you have to get ready for today. We have a plane to catch. If you don't get up, I'll have to carry you." He says. I don't move. Then seconds later I'm lifted up into the air.
"Come on. I'll help you get ready. Do you know what you want to wear?"
"Mmmm, too sleepy to answer." I nuzzle my nose into his neck.
"Fine. I'll pick it out." He picks out an outfit and starts a bath for me.
"You finish getting ready. I'll make you some breakfast."

When we were both ready to go, I grabbed my keys and packed the car.
"Do you have your bags in the car? And some other things to keep you busy?"
"Yes y/n. I do. I also put your bags in the car too along with your tablet and laptop."
"Thanks babe. Ok. Let's go."

-time skip-
"Hi, we are here for our hair appointment?"
"Of course. And what are your names?"
"Y/n and Taehyung."
"Yup! Have a seat. We will call you back when we are ready." We take a seat and immediately a lady calls for Taehyung.
"So, do you know what you want?" She asks him.
"Mm, actually, my girlfriend is choosing my hairstyle. So ask her." He points to me.
"Ok. So what do you want done." I look through my bag and pull out a picture.
"Here you go. This is what I want. Oh, and don't show him until it's all finished." Taehyung follows the lady behind the counter, trying to catch a look at the photo in the stylists hands. I snicker at him.
"That's me." I get up and walk over to where she told me to sit.
"Wait! Here. This is the hairstyle she's going to get. Don't show this to her. It's a surprise." Taehyung says, handing the lady a picture before sitting down in the chair next to me.

-Two hours later-
"Ok sir. Your all finished. Do you want to see now?" I hear the lady say.
"Miss. Your done too. Do you want to do a reveal at the same time?''
"Yes!! I'm so excited. But before I look at my hair, what do you think?"
"Honestly Miss, your boyfriend picked a color that compliments your looks. I've never seen someone pull off this hair color before, until I've seen it on you." I start to blush.
"Y/n! You look so pretty!" Taehyung says. I turn around to look in the mirror.

"Wow! I do look pretty

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"Wow! I do look pretty. How did you ever think of this color?" I turn around to find Taehyung with curly brown hair. Oh damn. I felt my face turn hot and looked away.
"What do you think? Is it good?"
"It's perfect. It looks so cute on you!" I reach up and fluff his hair. The ladies around started to giggle.


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"Ok. We gotta go y/n. We have a plane to catch." He says taking my hand out of his hair. I pout a little because his hair was really soft. I pay and we head off to the airport.

The car ride to the plane was quiet, and when we got onto the plane, I was mostly awake. I look over at Taehyung to see he is a little nervous.
"Hey? Are you ok?"
"Well, Umm, I've never really been in an airplane before. Since my last owner was a crazy bitch and never let me leave. So I've never really left the country. Let alone ride a plane." He puts his hand on the back of his neck and laughs nervously.
"Aww. Don't worry sweetheart. I'll be right here. Taking a nap usually helps pass the time." I take his hand in mine. He was actually shaking.
"But what if I want to turn into a cat? Will I get you in trouble for having a pet on the plane?" He looked even more worried. I shake my head and smile.
"No. You won't get me in trouble. If you want to, you can now."
"No. It's ok. I'll stay like this." He says. I lay my head on his shoulder and slowly drift off to sleep.

"Pssst. Y/n..." I hear Taehyung say.
"Yes baby?" I rub my eyes and look up at him.
"I- I gotta use the bathroom, but I don't know where it is." I giggle.
"The bathroom is right down the aisle. Do you see where that man just came out of? That's it."
"Oh. Ok. I'll be right back then." I watch him get up and walk over. Luckily, we had first class tickets so we had a bathroom that's close. I check to see how far we have till we land and we had about another four hours. I sigh and look out my window.
"Y/n, why was it so squishy in there? I could hardly move." Taehyung says as he gets back.
"I don't know actually. That's a good question." He leans over me to look out the window.
"Woah! It's so pretty! Flying is fun. The food is good too." I giggle.
"Just wait till we get to Paris. The food is amazing."

"Thank you for flying with us today. Please exit out of the left side of the plane and enjoy the rest of your stay in beautiful Paris." The flight attendant says.
"Come on scaredy cat. Let's go explore!" While we were landing, we hit some turbulence and Taehyung got scared and changed into his cat form for the rest of the trip. He gingerly gets off my lap and lands in the seat next to me. The flight attendant helps me grab our bags and we get off the plane. As I step out, the weather was a little colder then I thought it was going to be.
"Dang. I should've packed that extra sweatshirt. Don't you think?" I look down at Taehyung, who was following me through the airport.
"Let's find you a bathroom so you can change. Ok?" I scooped him up and found a one stall bathroom.  One lady we walk by compliments Taehyung.
"Oh, your kitten is so adorable. Where did you get him?"
"Oh, I'm from Seoul, so it was a small shelter from my home town."
"I see. Well, I'm a professional cat trainer and I also do shows. If you don't mind I would gladly pay for than what he's worth for him. Hmm?'' I look at the with disgust.
"I'm sorry, but I think you have me mistaken. I'm not selling him. I never even said I was looking to sell him. So if you don't mind, I'm going to be on my way." I heard her calls down the large corridors.
"I'll pay you double! Triple in fact!'' I roll my eyes at how annoying she was.
"I will never sell you. Not in a million years. Not ever." The lady who helped my with our bags Aww'ed.
"He must be a very special companion. Was he a gift?"
"No. I decided one day that I wanted a pet and I found him. He's the absolute sweetest."
"I have a dog myself. But, he's actually a Hybrid. I know, that there was this whole big thing about them, and how they're supposed to be dangerous, but he's so gentle. Even with my little girl. He loves her and would protect her from anything."
"That's so sweet! Well, thank you for helping me with our bags. I greatly appreciate it. Here."I hand her some. Money.
"Thank you. I hope you enjoy your stay!" She waves and heads back in the opposite direction. I heard a small meow from Taehyung. Then, I noticed the most delicious smell.
"Ooo! You smell that too? Let's go find you a bathroom to change in and then lets get us something to eat. How does that sound." He purrs in response and flicks his tail from side to side.

When we found a bathroom, Taehyung changes into some warmer clothes.
"Your right. It is a little colder here than we expected. So, I grabbed your extra coat.
"Aww. Thanks babe! Now, lets go find that bakery again." I take his hand and my suitcase with my other hand and rush out back to where the sweet smell of bread and pastries where coming from.
"What should I get. Everything looks so good!"
"Well, I would recommend the almond pastry. I absolutely loved it. And I know you like sweet things. Or the raspberry tart. That's also good."
"Oh! I totally forgot about the lemon custards. Those are to die for."
"Y/n, we need to-"
"And the peach pastry is good and I cant forget the macrons."
"Y/n! Honey, its our turn to order." I snap out of my little pastry trance and see that we were at the front.
"Oops. Sorry. You order first. I'm, umm, still making up my mind." I blush when I hear some of the other people in line start to chuckle. Taehyung takes my hand and points to a raspberry tart. I finally decide with a small box of macrons.
After we left, I heard one of the girls talking smack about me.
"That's her. The one who couldn't shut up. Look how funny she looks." The boy that was standing next to her snickers along with her. I glare at them and notice they were holding hands.
"At least my boyfriend doesn't have buck teeth and a stupid laugh." I say in French. As I walk by, flipping my hair to hit her in the face.
"Y/n, what did you say?" Taehyung looks down at me as we make our way to the front of the airport.
"None of your concern baby." I smile sweetly, leading him to were the cab is picking us up.

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