Chapter 1

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I dig my hands deeper into my short pockets. My best friend, Aria, and I are walking down the high school hallway and almost at every other locker stands a couple. They're either making out or just standing there together. Aria looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Erin, my god. Stop looking so jealous!"

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm not.. jealous."

Erin laughs and bumps me playfully with her shoulder.

"Yeah right.

My name is Erin Williams. I'm in 11th grade and so is my best friend, Aria Jones. I'm 5,8 and Aria is 5,7. I have wavy sandy hair and Aria has the most luxurious brown silky hair that flows so pretty. Her fingers always glides through her hair easily and smoothly. I get so jealous sometimes. She's part Mexican but her skin is very slightly tan. It's mostly like my skin. She has the fullest lips and I don't know why she's not taken. Like how. I'm average weight and skinniness but like Aria has model skinniness. She's so popular with the girls and boys. I still don't understand why no one has asked her out.

My mom is Canadian and she's a lawyer. My dad is American and he's an neurosurgeon. Which means that both of them are gone most the day and week. I have an older brother, Connor, one year older than me. He's tortured me almost my entire life but I love him. He can be sweet when he wants to. He (obviously) has a girlfriend. She's in his grade and she's tall and skinny with tanned skin. Her name is Raquel and she's not the nicest. But my brother loves her so what can I do.


I have a crush on this one boy but I don't admit it because crushes are dumb and what you do in middle school. I've never kissed a boy. But it's my dream. I loooove romance. I've literally read every romance book and watched every romance movie. And I daydream about kissing a boy's lips every single fricking day.

Aria walks to our usual seat in science class. I sit next to her, dreading the class. I hate science. It is honestly sooo annoying and boring. But today, little did I know, an unexpected will happen.

The teacher drags on about chemical bonds and crap we learned in 9th grade while the class takes notes. I look over at the other table where my secret crush, Noah, and his friends are sitting. I notice the other cute boy Sean type something on his laptop, blushing slightly. He glances at the girl's faces and his eyes stops on mine for a second. My heart skips and I look at my messages notifications but nothing is there. I'm confused until I see Aria looking at a text from Sean saying:

hey, can i get some help with this during lunch?

Aria bites her lip, grinning ear to ear. She knows what he means and so do I. He's basically asking her out but not really. See when boys text these stuff to girls, they meet near the bathrooms and make out. I've never gotten an invitation. But Aria's just had her first. Aria looks at me, her eyes shining. I offer her an excited smile, covering up my jealously.


During lunch we sit with our other friends. They're Emma, London, Michelle, Hana, and Ryan. They're all so different and nice.

Emma is the shortest in our group but she's also the sweetest. She's nice to literally everyone and is everyone's friend. London is kinda the smart one. She's about 5,5 and super introverted. She's also food crazy. A real foodie. Michelle is the diva. She has a boyfriend and they're pretty popular. She's dating arguably one of the hottest boy in our school. She's about Aria's body type and height. Hana also has a boyfriend. She's the sporty one in our group. She's in volleyball, soccer, and basketball. Her boyfriend plays basketball so they're a very popular sporty couple. Ryan is about my height and she loves to draw. That's almost all she does. She doesn't have a boyfriend now because he cheated on her. That little ass head.

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