"Too much if you ask me but as a parent should I intervene if this is someone my daughter is super close with, can confide and trust in other than me?"

"Wait till the twins turn 15 and I'll get back to you with an answer." She joked for a second till she noticed my flaccid face.

"I think about this a lot Blake, like if they're doing something other than what she tells me they do."

"Like drugs & things?"

"Yeah, .. or whatever other dangerous things you do with your friends. I just don't want her to get peer pressured into anything she doesn't want to do. Even though Rue is just a year older, she's way more advanced socially than Aaliyah."

Blake nodded her head in agreement, "Or maybe that's what she wants you to believe. Teenagers are so smart nowadays."

Before I could respond, I felt my phone vibrate from within my coat pocket. Seeing Jay's name caused my eyes to roll back and I sighed while reading his message; "I'm out front when you get here."

"Want to grab breakfast?" I asked Blake to afford me more time before dealing with this unwanted drama.

Blake sighed, "I wish I could, the boys have their annual down in the pediatric center .. Ryan is meeting me here with them."

"Ugh, you're no fun. Tell my babies I said hi though."

"Will do, let me know how your visit goes.."

"I will." We shared a tight hug then departed ways. I took my time making it to my car and allowing it to heat up before driving off. When I made it the apartment, Shawn was twiddling with his phone while his back was pressed against his car. I slowed down my walk so that he'd noticed me and once we made eye contact, his eye lit up with excitement.

"Look at 'chu all doctored up, looking scrumptious!"

"Ew Jay, don't ever use that word to describe me again." He pulled me in with his long arms and gave me a few kisses on my forehead.

"I missed you.. you had a good night after cursing me out?"

"No, because never do I want to be upset with you, but you deserved every bit of it."

He kept at it with the kisses, then cupped my face to suck on my bottom lip; goddamn I hate the way this man makes me feel.

"We'll talk it out over breakfast." He spoke before letting me go to retrieve the bag of food. Seeing the Breakfast Boutique logo made me melt in his arms and he laughed at my shocked expression. "I knew I had to get back in your good graces somehow."

After he locked his door with the keypad, we journeyed into the building and took the elevator up to my floor. Once we made it inside, he placed the food on the counter then got comfortable in the living room while I excused myself to bathroom to take a nice shower before this amazing food and nap to follow. I undressed quickly and set my shower water temperature before stepping in. Scrubbing every crack and crevice of my body with my loofa, the aroma of Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus placed me in a calm mood and aided me with the clear head I needed. I chose not to rush and just ponder what my next move in this crazy life would be. I thankfully found a lawyer during my break and would be meeting with her later today to hopefully get the ball rolling on this divorce. I know most likely Idris will give me hell about it, but it's time we end this fiasco so I can live in peace.

When all suds were done the drain, I stepped out the shower and quickly grabbed my towel to dry off, followed by my plush grey robe to keep my warm before going to sleep. I slid my feet into my slippers and went back downstairs to my man and my breakfast.

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