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3rd Person

Zayn and Eloho had the same night they were talking about couple hours before. After their make out session Zayn got himself and Eloho some of his blankets and layed them over his wooden floors. They then binged watched Blindspot, cuddled, kissed here n there, talked about alot of things and ate a ton of junk food. Even though Eloho was there with Zayn having a good time, something felt off... like not with Zayn but with the setting she felt as if she was with the wrong person or either because she felt she moved to quickly again. Elo thought about her fucked up feelings and her little ole heart looking for love..... probably in the wrong place, at the wrong time. She was thinking about Mario but whyy!?!? Was all that confused her what did he have that Zayn doesn't have she only talked to the guy a couple times and now she's infatuated by him? For someone that has never been in any relationship, never had a first kiss until Mario, never had sex, gotten high, or drunk all of whatever is going on leaves her finding pieces for her puzzle.

"Elo I've been calling yah for a while is everything ok?" Zayn asked Eloho
"Yes of course I'm just getting use to this" she said gesturing a finger between the both of them
"Oh i see, same here, what are we now if you dont mind me asking" Zayn said rubbing the back of his neck nervously 
"I don't know what are?" Elo asked.
"Well i mean you were the one that came over so i thought you made your mind up" Zayn said with a hint of annoyance
"I came to apologize, and make things right" Eloho said
"I said to come over when you made up your mind Eloho!" Zayn said growing angrier by each word that came out of his mouth this made Eloho get up slowly regretting coming over
"Zayn i haven't but i didn't want you to be mad at me" Eloho replied
"Elo you brought this upon yourself" Zayn sighed "Please get out Eloho" Zayn proceeded to his door with Eloho trailing behind him
"Zayn I'm really sorry I just wanted things to be good between us" Elo looked up at Zayn for a response
"Elo I think it would be great if we just stayed as friends, and give each other some space I'll see you in class" Zayn stared into the dawn as the sun began to rise
"Bye, and thanks for everything" Eloho came out of Zayn's dorm

As Eloho made her way to her shared dorm with Kate she realized what horrible advice was given to her and she wasn't about to put all blame on her self.

"You fucking Kate what type of advice was that!" Elo barged in shouting at a barely awake Kate
"You seriously can't blame me for whatever happened over there" Kate replied rubbing her eyes
"Did it work though?" Kate asked Elo
"Obviously not" Elo said rolling her eyes
"I'm sorry I'm so bad at advice Elo but I didn't tell you to pack an overnight bag and go to Zayn's house" Kate said looking for an outfit
"Wow, ok" Elo plugged in her earphones and made her way into the bathroom ignoring a talking Kate.

Eloho soaked herself in steamy hot water to reduce the stress and tension in her muscles and joints. She gently moved her sponge all over her body feeling the steam surround the atmosphere. Feels like she has been in the water for hours, she enjoyed the burn on her skin. She finally felt at peace. These past 2 months have been a whole roller coaster and everything felt out of place, definitely not the college experience she was looking for. Eloho realized all she's been doing since she got here was focused on others and how she felt about 2 guys that probably don't give a rats ass about her, the thought of that created a lump in Eloho's throat, she felt tears stream down her face she had to change her motives, she had to rethink and renew her choices and decisions, she needs to focus on why she came here in the first place. Eloho made her way out the tub, dried her body, applied lotion, dressed and sprayed some perfume.

Eloho still had her earphone in

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Eloho still had her earphone in. She exited the bathroom grabbed her bag, some snacks, her water bottle, made her way out of her dorm and off to first period.

"Eloho" a familiar voice said
Eloho looked up and saw a face she wished she saw a couple weeks ago.

Eloho immediately embraced Rj, it had been 3 weeks since she last saw him and she felt all her emotions flow freely as they engulfed one another

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Eloho immediately embraced Rj, it had been 3 weeks since she last saw him and she felt all her emotions flow freely as they engulfed one another.

Wow it has been 8 months since I posted a chapter. My dad passed away last year and I wasn't very motivated to proceed with this book I even thought of deleting my account. But supporters of this book messaged me asking to please proceed with the book and I decided I'll take it piece by piece. Alot of ideas I had for this book last year are forgotten and sometimes it's hard to proceed with no ideas or motivation ofc. I just hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, thanks to those who have been encouraging me to finish what I started. Everyone continue to stay safe during this pandemic. Much love - Carib motion.

Oh and btw I graduated from highschool!!! College here I come!❣

Me Gustan Mayores (BWMM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ