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"Oh so we're doing that?" Zayn asked chuckling at my actions
"I wanted to get out of there the atmosphere was too thick" I said coming up with something
"Uh huh?" Zayn asked not believing me
"But what about the let's hurry part?" He continued
"To get out of thereeeee!" I exclaimed regretting my tone
"Wow you didn't have to go all ballistic on me I was just asking" Zayn said walking away and guilt quickly erupted through me
"WAIT" I shouted at Zayn thinking he would turn around but he just kept walking greattt... time for me to run
"Wait Zayn I'm sorry" I apologized catching my breath pulling him back
"I'm really sorry I honestly didn't mean to sound so harsh I'm a asthmatic patient so when the air is too humid it gives me a really hard time to breathe" I mean what I said about the asthma part wasn't a lie :)
"Oh dang now I feel bad, I didn't know you have asthma Eloho, I'm sorry"
"No I am I really am and to make up for that I know this really good bowling rink uptown I don't have a car but it's a nice walking distance from campus we can go on Saturday if that's ok with you." I proclaimed hoping he would be able to go
"That sounds great Eloho I'd love to go with you" Zayn said smiling
"Well I'm glad" I responded smiling engulfing Zayn in a hug

~oop dear lord is this what heaven smells like? Because I can see Angel's~

"So it's a date?" Zayn asked looking directly into my eyes
"It's a date mister" I replied calmly when I'm actually dancing for joy inside my first date!
"O-ok greatt!" Zayn replied stuttering a bit
"We should get back to class its 10 minutes before time" I said checking my phone and regained eye contact with zayn
"Oh shoot I got drawing template in 5" zayn panicked opening my door and rushed to his side of the car
"No need to rush Zayn if your late I'll just tell the teacher something no worries and remember it's the first day everyone is pretty much clueless about where all there classes are" I said trying to calm him down
"Yes ofc" zayn replied taking deep breaths... that's kinda odd I remember only doing those exercises when I had anx-
"Do you have anxiety?!" I unpurposely blurted out
"Oh geez I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that" I said apologizing for my outburst
"No it's totally fine and yes to answer your question I do have anxiety silly things like that make me anxious" Zayn said looking at me and then back to the road
"I kinda figured when you did the inhale exhale exercise, I use to do it too so I assumed" I said nervously fiddling with my fingers
"It's ok Eloho" Zayn said grabbing my hands to stop me from fiddling with them
¤We stayed in a comfortable silence with Greenlight by John Legend playing in the background and zayn's rather soft hands still holding mine his actions shocked me which me tense up a bit but it was easily replaced with comfort when his thumb started caressing my palm leaving me at ease I took the ride from the stoplight to school to watch zayn's features black ruffled hair, thick eyebrows mesmerizing dark brown eyes, perfect nose, nicely outgrown beard and those lips... jesus those angelic pink lips.. they must taste so good.


I immediately was broken out of my trance as the realization of what I thought and sudden stop of the car

"We're here" zayn smiled coming out of his car locking me inside... this dudeee
I eyed Zayn as he made his way over the my dude of the car and opened it.
"M'lady" zayn said putting his hand out and helped me out of the car
"Oh my gosh haha thanks Zayn" I smiled looking at him
"No problem Eloho" Zayn said putting his hands in his pocket
"I don't wanna make you even more late so Amma bid you a good day and goodbye" I said hugging zayn one more
"Haha of course I enjoyed our 35 minutes together" Zayn said pulling away and placed a kiss on my cheek
¤Oop so soft¤
"So did I Zayn I'll see you tomorrow in class?" I said smiling a bit tooooo hard
"Yea ofc but how dare you leave me without your phone number?" Zayn said holding his chest as if he was hurt from my actions
"Oh yes how could I do such a thing" I giggled taking my phone out of my back pocket and traded phones with zayn and typed in my number
"Haha that's cute but I like mine better" zayn said handing my phone back so i could see his contact
'Bradford Bad Boy🐉🔥'
"Oh wow I like it but I like mine more" I said laughing
"Yes ofc whatever makes you happy haha I'll see you tomorrow Eloho enjoy the rest of your day" Zayn said and gave me a wave before quickly rushing off to his class
"BYE AND YOU TOO" I said slightly shouted and smiled when he turned back around and proceeded with his rather paced walk

"You and him then?" I heard coming from the devil himself
I then turned around and was met by Mario
"You and her then?" I sassed back referring to his 'date' from earlier
"You jealous?" Mario chuckled
"Whoaaa I know you have fantasies but keep them to yourself" I said annoyed at his ridiculous question
"Yes you are and it's ok it makes us Even" Mario shrugged
"Even?" I questioned confusingly
"I'm jealous too"
And with that Mario walked away leaving me shocked and confused
What in the name of baby jesus is happening?

Yay Update!👏🏽

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