What now?

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Eloho Pov
*chuckles nervously* I should probably get going sir.
"I'll see you around Eloho" Mario said smirking at me
As I was about to walk away I faced Mario once more
"What now?" I said biting my lip slightly
"What ever God decides" Mario said
and with that I slowly made my way out of class. I can't believe I just freaking kissed my MUSIC TEACHER!!!! Like what in the flying Angel's was I thinking? Dear lord please forgive me for my wrongs. This wasn't how I expected my day to turn out. I kept on walking around campus admiring different students some reading, singing, laughing, painting, dancing etc.
"Eloho right?" A voice said stopping my gazing session
"Uhh ya that's me whose asking?"
"Myself.. I'm Zayn" Zayn said sticking his hand out
"Eloho but you know that already haha" I said shaking his hand
"I'm in music class with you I was sitting beside Rj" he said never letting his smile leave his face
"I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings today in class" I said apologizing
"Oh no it's fine I just wanted to tell you how cool it is to have someone as talented as you in class" Zayn exclaimed
"Oh wow haha Thank youuu" I said blushing
"You're welcome haha where were you heading?" Zayn asked
"I was gonna go get lunch" I said checking my phone for the time.... I had approximately 40 minutes of lunch left
"You know there's this great restaurant off campus that's 3 blocks away" Zayn said
"Oh cool but I honestly don't wanna go so far off campus" I said I might be overreacting with the distance but babygirl doesn't want to walk
"We could go in my car if you'd like" Zayn offered
"I don't know Zayn I barely know you no hard feelings" I said about to walk away when he held unto my hand
"Well we can get to know each other" Zayn said smiling.... Jesus that smile, Jesus those lips... why God why?
"Ok but heads up I have a taser don't try anything Mr. Zayn" I said putting my hands up as we started making our way to the parking lot
"Mr. Malik works too" Zayn said smirking
"I wanna smack that smirk off your face" I said laughing
"Oh ya I'm so scared" Zayn said mocking me
"Can you not?" I said buckling up
"Ok I'm done haha.. so tell me about yourself" Zayn said starting his engine and looking at me
"What do you wanna know?" I asked returning eye contact
"Age birthday, full name, fav color, fav animal, siblings anything" Zayn said leaving the school campus and unto the highway
"Well I'm 17 my birthday is October 4th so I'm looking forward to a gift on Friday haha, my fav color is blue, I love all animals I have 2 dogs shadow and fred, I have 2 siblings 2 sisters to be exact one older one younger" I said looking through the window
"Wow your 17?!! I thought you were 19 or sum haha I'm 19 and you shud definitely look forward to a gift my birthday is January 12th my fav color is red I love rabbits I have 2 Roger and Kua I have 3 siblings 3 sisters to be exact." Zayn said pulling into the driveway of the restaurant
"Wow that's really cool I had a rabbit named Roger" I said thinking of my old rabbit Roger
"Really? Cool where is he now?" Zayn asked curiously
"He passed away" I said
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" Zayn said
"No it's ok haha it was a long time ago" I said laughing at Zayn's reaction
"Was just making sure"
We both approached a booth and sat down just looking at each other I eventually started smiling due to this gesture that is somewhat foreign to me.
"What?" I asked smiling
"You're so beautiful" Zayn said
"Thank you Zayn..and your really handsome" I blushed giving him a compliment as well
"Do you mean that or are you just being nice?" Zayn asked laughing
"No I mean it your a very attractive young man" I said being serious
"Haha thank you such an honor coming from you" Zayn smiled
"Hello what can I offer you guys today?" The waitress said looking at me
"Hello.. um can I please have the full moon quesadilla with a side of guacamole and salsa?" I asked setting down the menu
"Yes of course and you?" The waitress said looking at Zayn
"Same as her" Zayn said looking at me sending a quick wink and I could've sworn i saw the waitress roll her eyes at Zayn.
"Any drinks?" She asked looking at me
"Sweetened pink lemonade with extra ice please?" I said giving her a smile
"You?" She asked without making contact with Zayn but holding eye contact with me
"I'll have a strawberry blueberry smoothie please" Zayn said
"Ok I'll be back with your orders in 15" and before she walked away she sent me a wink
"Damn Ann got game" Zayn said laughing
"Huh?" I asked confused
"Ann that's the name of the waitress" he said like if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"How'd you know that?" I asked
"Her name tag Eloho geez" he said laughing
"I didn't see aright" I exaggerated lifting my hands up
"Of course you were too bust drooling over her" Zayn chuckled
"I kinda hate you at the moment zayn" I said slightly irritated
"You know you don't mean that" Zayn said still laughing
" I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders and looking at zayn

The door opened and closed and guess who walked???

Ahhhhhh your so smart Mario freaking Luis along with a light skin woman latched unto him I guess I was staring too hard and Mario caught my gaze and quickly looked away... well damn? I notice Zayn realized what I was looking at and turned around to see Mr. Mario and Mrs. However she was.

"Wow Mr. Mario and Mrs. Eliz? Haha I would've never thought" Zayn said look at the pair in awe
"Neither would I" I said barely audible but for some odd reason Zayn heard me
"And why's that?" Zayn asked raising an eyebrow
"I don't know he seems like the enclosed type uk?" I said making something up
"Yea I know what you mean" Zayn said looking at the pair one last time as the waiter approached our table
"Here you go.... come again" and just like that I recieved another wink and a piece of paper
"What's that?" Zayn asked as we got up from our booth
"Probably her number" I said stuffing it in my back pocket
"Damn you pulling guys and girls I'm jealous haha" Zayn chuckled
"Whatever not interested" I said laughing and silenced myself as we passed Mario and mrs. whatever her name is his gaze was strong and intense when I decided to play with him a little
"Zayn come on let's hurry" I said grabbing Zayn's hand and intertwining our fingers which made Mario beyond livid that's what you Gettttttt ouuu bonus points Elo.

▪Zayn in the MM▪

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