Die as a hero or live long enough to be the villan(Cinder)

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Cinder(12 years old)

Teacher:Are you ready?

Both me and the boy in front of me smirk at each other and nod while saying yes in the same time.

???:Im not going easy on you.

Me:*pulls out bow* Im not planning going down that easily.

Ohhh who's the boy with the cat ears in front of me you may ask? Its (Y/N),one of my best friend and my only friend since childhood.He with his adora- I mean his cocky smile can drive your gears sometimes.


I shot a couple of shots but his really good in getting close.I cast my dual blades and block an staff attack coming from him.I light my blades on fire,forcing him to back off.

(Y/N):Hot Hot Hot!!!! Just like the girl herself.

That caught me off guard as he was once again able to close in the distance.His really agressive when getting close and thats why you do not want to get in a melee range combat with him.

Me:You wouldn't hit a girl right?

(Y/N):Heh im sorry but I support equal rights.

He was able to do a side swipe on his staff on my ribs which instanlly brought my aura to red.

Teacher:The match is over,(Y/N) wins.

Everybody in the class claps as he came to me.

(Y/N):Need a hand?

Me:Yeah Thanks.

I took his hand as he tap on my shoulder before going back to the changing room.

(Y/N):Don't forget about the bet,Tuna!!!

I sigh seeing him smile.That smile,I don't know why but that is the only smile that was able to actually infect me and made me smile.

Cinder(20 years old)

Me:Are you sure we couldn't get more man to raid?

General:This is a stealth mission.I do not want to compromise the mission by sending too much men.Plus I believe you 2 will be able to pull it off.Just contact us when you need backup with this *gives me and (Y/N) an earpiece*

(Y/N):We'll try our best general.

General:We count on you two.

We double check our gears before we infiltrate the base.

Me:Hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N):Whats up?

Me:After this mission ends,I wanna tell you something.

(Y/N):*smiles* I shall remind you just in case because you caught my curiousity.

Me:Curiousity kills the cat?

(Y/N):Not this cat though.

Today is the day that I will tell him.It hurts keeping this feelings hidden and I had enough,Im telling him no matter what.We were able to sneak into the base without being detected which is a good thing.We're here to capture suspicious activity going on in this base.Suddently a loud alarm while the whole room is light up in red.The next thing we saw is the whole members have their guns on the both of us.

???:We have you cornered *cuckles* Its sad that we expect your presents.

I looked at (Y/N) which grit his teeth in anger and brough his staff out and switch it too a shotgun as I summond my bow.

(Y/N):For your information,we're not your ordinary huntsman and huntress so we weren't planning on going down that easily.Get ready Cinder,this is going to be nasty.

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