People can change(Winter)

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Impressing Winter Schnee was the 2nd hardest thing next to be dating her heck no one ever was successful being friends with her as her standards of 'friends' are too high for a normal human to even qualify.Most of the guys in atlas was indeed scared of how serious she gets and wouldn't even dare going for her.People would say she was like a princess fenced by a dense and spiky forest.She can be seen being ready for her fight,what fight? Its just a somewhat nothing but to show off that she is not perfect and shouldn't be but just act like a normal girl.

I did a quick warm up while eyeing on winter in front of me getting ready as well.She seemed to be serious in this fight.No surprise,she's serious at everything.I took my sword or I would like to call it the storm breaker.My weapon works best with my sembalance which I am able to pack a punch by enhancing my senses,strength and my natural ability which revolves around using wind abilities.This is a big advantage for me as a sword user as I know when is the perfect time to strike.

Winter took out her sword and point it at me and asked that am I ready or not.I told her Im ready by nodding.Winter and I don't know each other till I challenged her into a duel which she declined the first time.After some battles I've been,I able to finally convince her to duel with me.I got my sword ready and rest it on my right shoulder like how I usually do.We stared at each other till a drop of water can be heard and without a second wasted rushed at each other.My sword and hers clash against each other.I smirked at this and about to blow a powerful blow but she managed to dodge and kick my sword away.She smiled at this and tried to stab my right shoulder but I leaned to the left.I was about to grab her but she did a handspring while her sword were flying on the air,she was about to jump back up and grab her sword but I know too good that she would do that so I kick her stomach which made her flinch but she was able to recover by doing a kipup and used her birds to get her sword back.I smirked and rushed her bare handed.She underestimate me and lazyly dodge my punch by just simply leaning to the right slightly so that my fist were at least an inch before hitting her face but what she didn't know,I have enhanced and empower my abilities.The wind produced from the force is enough to pushed her and hit her straight to a rock.

Me:Ouch,you wanna call it as quits?

Winter:Dream on!!!!

She got up dast as ever and she indeed mad now,she tried to strike me countless times but I managed to dodge her until she hit me with her sword's hilt and did a wallflip of my head and grabbed her sword back and she directly tries to go for my head.Thankfully,my senses are on point so I knee her hand forcing it to release her sword and I look back and use a bit of a boost of wind to force my sword to return my hand then I turn around and change it into a hand canon and turn back to Winter who tried to quickly grab her sword but I shot her hand causing her to flinch and I place my gun to her head.She stopped imediately and I smiled as I decided to knee her to the ground just in case.

Winter:Comfirming your takedowns,nice strategy.

Me:Awwww im flattered to get a compliment from you.

I chuckled as I offer her a hand.She accepts it and dust off her clothes before walking to her sword and kept it in her scabbard.

Me:So time for my reward~

Winter:*sighs* Fine.This is the only time I'll be doing this.

She says it with full of venom in her voice.I know she never wants to do it especially with a stranger like me.I can finally introduce her to some of my favourites~


A slurp can be heard from Winter as she screamed in joy enjoying the ramen in front of her.

Me:Wowowow Winter,thats the first time I heard you scream.

Winter:Ahem ahem excuse my manners.Its just my first time enjoying this poorly design meal.

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