Blake x Male reader

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You hated faunas so much that you became a cold fauna killer.You even killed your own sister who been married with a fauna.Your parents were killed by them.That what made you oppose of all faunas but recently you have repent and start taking a liking on faunas or that special fauna....

Blake's POV

I was reading my most favourite book the ninjas of love until a the cold blooded murderer came and ruined my mood."ughh.... What you want huh?"I asked hin in an irritating voice."Im just wandering that if you want to you know eat lunch with me cause I have no one."(Y/N) asked as he rolled his eyes.I was disgust at first."What,are you asking me out?"I asked him in disgust."Yeah i guess."he replied while rubbing behind his neck."ughh no"I rejected him."Oh well thats okay I know you're busy im sorry and I'll be on my way."He said in a sad tone and walked away.I kind of feel bad for rejecting him even for a cold blooded killer ahhh well why would I want to accept his offer.

(Y/N)'s POV

I layed on my bed thinking about a certain fauna.Kind of sad that she rejected me but its okay.There is a lot of fish in the ocean.I sighed and got up to take a shower.Suddently,A large explosion can be heard,I looked at the window and see some students getting attack.I gritted my teeth and wore my mask and head outside.


I saw team RWBY,CFVY and SSSN fought them but they barely even match their powers so I swooped in with my two golden revolvers and head shot some enemies.I saw blake got down and almost got slashed but I jumped and head shotted the enemy.I ran to Blake and offered a hand."You need some help Ms. Cutie~"I said as I giggled."uhh-uhhhh s-sure Mr."she said with a tainted pink dust on her cheeks."Better focus,you don't want to get hurt ok?"I asurred her.she simply nodded and I took off to fight the other enemies.

Blake's POV

I stood there as I watched my knight in shinning armour took off to fight other enemies.He looked so cool but something with him sounds familiar.I admired him but then suddently I almost got scrached and thankfully I dodged it and did a backflip landing on both of my legs."Come here you!!!"I screamed as I kill them one by one.


I walked in the hallway to go to the cafeteria to get my lunch.Suddently I saw (Y/N) ran to the rooftop while holding two bag of burgers.I felt suspicious so I followed him to the roof but I hid near the roof's door and stalked him.


I took a gun and aim it at my sister's body with no expression."(Y/N) please don't kill me I love you."she said."You married with a fauna,you are a disgrace to the family so you need to be eliminated.I said as I shot a bullet to her chest."(Y-Y-Y/N) I-I-I l-Lo-love yo-you"she said her final words before reunited with our dead parents.I sighed and walked away with no regrets.....

Flashback ended

I gripped my own fist until I didn't realise that my nails are piercing through my skin.I puched the wall in front of me hard making a obvious hole."Whyyy meee!!!!"I screamed as I fell to my knees."Those faunas killed my parents and its just natural right to kill them back"I sobbed."I even killed my own and only sister for that,WHAT TYPE OF BROTHER AM I!!!!!"I continued while feeling infinite amount of regrets."I wish I could change time where I lived with my sister and my parents it wouldn't be this way"I said in a soft tone."I wish I didn't even have the need to hold these"I said as I brought my revolves while looking at them with dead eyes.Finally I fell to the ground with the ground against my back and I looked to the sky."I missed you sister your caring,beautiful,cute and helpful side that I always admired always reminded me of Blake.Ohh Blake I had fallen for you.So now I felt how my sister's feelings."I let it all out while closing my eyes.

Blake's POV

I was shocked when (Y/N) is the one with the mask."He thinks that im beautiful."I thought as I blush madly.I also cried because of his past,now I know why he turns out to be fauna killer or was a fauna killer.My body moved by itself towards the sleeping cutie.I smiled at his face and sad in the same time because he slept while he was crying.I kissed on his forehead and silently layed down beside him using his chest as my pillow.I also cried while going deeper and deeper
into sleep.

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly woke up and looked at the sky.It was dark,crap I need to go to my dorm.As I wanted to get up,I felt something on my chest.I looked at my chest just to notice a beauty up close.I smiled and carried her to her dorm where I gave her too RWY too handle her.They misunderstood us as couples but I think whe was just sleepy and decided to use my chest as a pillow.I mean why a fauna wanted to be a girlfriend to a fauna killer.

Blake's POV

I woke up and found myself in my bed.So it was a dream huh.Suddently Ruby came up to me."Hey Blake enjoy your sleep on (Y/N)'s chest?"she asked as she giggled.So it was not a dream."Yeah got a problem with that."I replied as I was shooting glares at her."chill Blake,I thought you don't like (Y/N)"Yang said calming me down."Yeah at first but now I know he stopped from being a fauna killer."I said to them."what!!!! you just know? we all know that a long time ago that he stopped"Yang told me."Wait what you all know a long time,why didn't you tell me.I should accept his confession."I said to them in an angry tone."Well its your fault for not catching the news because you were too busy reading"Yang talked back."Im gonna confess to him tomorrow and if he rejects me Im comming for you two first."I said as I glared at them."yoo chill Blake don't be too obsessive."they said while going to their beds."Fine good night girls."I said while going to sleep."Night night"they all replied.


I walked in the hallway and I saw (Y/N) my heart beats so fast.I need to confess to him before he moves on.I ran to him."Hey (Y/N) where are you going?."I asked."Well I don't really know myself kind of weird so Im just gonna go anywhere and see where fate takes back."he said as he laughed.I giggled at his joke.He was so cute."hey I need to tell you something"I said as I played with my fingers."Yeah what is it?"he asked.I smiled at him and drag him to an alley where no one sees us."I actualy fell in love with you and I really really hope you didn't move on yet"I confessed as I looked at his sparkling eyes.He kissed me.I was shocked and took at least a minute to understand the situation.I kissed him back and deepen it.I let him explore every area of my mouth.The taste of his mouth is like cheese cake.I wish this momment never ends but we needed we broke apart."Hey lets go to your dorm pwease im in my heat~"I asked him seductively."Okay kitty needs someone to mate with huh"he said as he lifted me up.I blushed madly.He took me to his room and made a woman out of me while I did the same.


"Well that was soo tiring."(Y/N) said while panting."Yeah~ we been on it for literaly more than 100 rounds.Did I broke you honey~?"I asked him."Yeah cutie you broke me well"he said while I cuddle to his chest."Good night honey"I said while going to sleep."Good night my kitty"he said while kissing my forehead.I blushed and continue to sleep

Author's note:
Do you guys want part 2 of this story?
Spoilers alert it might go southways but don't worry because everything is gonna be just okay.

Various female x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora