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wally west x villaness! reader
requested by: Polli2123
picture credits: rhdrhd_89 on Twitter
Your P.O.V.

"I swear your honor, I'm innocent!" The lead female on TV pleaded. I curl my feet under the blanket and snuggle closer to the other body on the bed.

Since Wally and I are secretly dating and my big sister, Jinx, never respects my privacy, we always rendezvous at Titans Tower.

"Another cold winter night..." I sigh, looking at the bright screen in the complimentary dark room of his.

"You mind heating me up, babe?" I ask innocently.

"Whatever my sorceress wishes..." he said in a medieval, yet flirty, tone and started vibrating the molecules in his body.

"Muuch betterrr." I say. Not too log after, "I'm Gonna Put a Spell on You" by the Hex Girls starts ringing through the room.

"Time to go already? We didn't even get to finish the movie this time." Wally says, putting his face in front of mine, displaying his irresistible puppy eyes.

"You know what my powers are, Walls; something always goes awry when I'm around." I supply.

"Plus, I'll see you again tomorrow, goofball..." I say, gently pushing his face aside and turning the 12 am alarm off.

"I know, but it's always sad saying goodbye to my beloved..." He retorts. He leans down, looks up at me and kisses the back of my hand.

"And they say chivalry is dead..." I comment giving him a smile, my heart beating a mile a minute.

"You're so kind-hearted, (Y/N). Remind me why you're playing for H.I.V.E and not for me and my team?" Wally asks curiously.

"Well I can't just leave my sister..." I reason.

"You don't have to! Cyborg and Jinx have been sneaking around for WEEKS! He must have rubbed off on her at some point!" Wally exclaims.

"If not..." He starts, grabbing my hands.

"... you can't stay by her side forever; you've gotta leave the nest at some point..." He finishes, saying something seriously for once in his life. I sit on the bed, pondering my options. I could:

A) leave H.I.V.E. and my sister behind for a better life with Wally and the Titans where I'm not subjected to evil deeds


B) stay with H.I.V.E and my sister and suffer their evil deeds as well as break Wally's heart.

Jinx is always nice to me and defends me against the other members of H.I.V.E, even though I never pull my weight.

It seems as there is only one good option; but, I could never leave my sister.

"I'll discuss it with my sister. When I come back tomorrow, I'll have my answer." I decide.

"Alright, see you at 8..." Wally bids me goodbye with a sad smile and a wave. I return his smile and leave out the window. I stealthily make my way back to H.I.V.E. tower and into my room. As soon as my feet hit the carpeted floor, my lamp clicks on.

"Well, well, well. Where have you been young lady?" Jinx asks in a motherly tone as she turns around in my swivel chair; like a father waiting in the shadows for the return of his daughter.

"You know you're only 2 months older than me, right?" I remind her, resenting her calling me "young lady" like I'm not apart of the most fearsome villain group.

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