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conner kent/ superboy x reader
requested by: Polli2123
picture credits: DC Comics, Superboy #1 by Pier Gallo
Your P.O.V.

Superboy and I have clicked since day one. We were both at Project Cadmus when Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad saved us; in turn, we saved them.

Though we are both clones, we are clones of two different kinds of people. Superboy, the clone of a superhero, Superman and me, the clone of a villaness, Talia Al Ghul. Just because she is evil doesn't mean I have to be. I go by (Y/N) now and Superboy by Conner.

In the span of our stay at Mount Justice, we've become a couple and distinguished our powers. Conner can leap buildings in a single bound and has super strength and invulnerability. I am a master martial artist and swords woman and have tactile kinesis (plus all the perks that come with it like flying, object manipulation, enhanced physical abilities, etc).

We've been on the Young Justice team for quite some time now. Enough time to make friends, such as Artemis, and welcome new members, such as Zatanna. She is an amazing asset and does well for the team. However, she hasn't been of much use lately. She has contracted a sickness only wielders of magic can catch. She has been saying random things backwards for a couple of days now. So far, she's transported the whole team to the Artic, teleported Conner into the monkey exhibit at the zoo (you can imagine how THAT went) and caught Robin's cape on fire. Currently, she is bed-ridden, courtesy of Batman and Dr. Fate; however, she still insists on training with the rest of the team. Right now, we are in groups of three and on my team is Zatanna, Conner and myself.

"Ugh!" Zatanna grunts as she flings a rock in Conner's direction, but he dodges it with ease. I stealthily sneak over to her and tap her foot. She looks down at me with a look of surprise and realization on her face as I levitate her using my tactile kinesis. She stays there in the air for a few moments more before a lightbulb goes off in her head.

"Tropelet meht ot a laciport dnalsi!" She shouts.

Zatanna's P.O.V

"Etativel!" I yell quickly to stop myself from dropping, ass first, on the hard, unforgiving floor of the training deck.

"Damn it!" I shout.

"Stupid sickness... damn tropical island..." I mumble as Red Tornado comes in through the doors of Mount Justice. He surveys the room and his empty eye sockets land on me.

"Where is Conner and (Y/N)? And are you not supposed to be in your bedroom?" He questions in his monotonous, robotic voice.

"Ha ha..." I laugh dryly and trail off. Getting them back will be SO much fun; and answering to Dr. Fate and Batman will be just as great...

Your P.O.V.

In a moments notice, the mass of sweaty teens on the training deck is replaced with a view of sandy beaches and an endless ocean. I contort my features into a look of confusion. I look around to see that Conner is there with me, but no one else. He looks deep in thought when he finally breaks the silence.

"Must've been something to do with that sickness..." He concludes, taking off his combat boots and squatting to sit on the shore; leaning back on his toned arms. My confused expression is replaced with one of fondness as I sit beside him. I look over at Conner to see him longingly looking at the horizon. Whatever tropical island Zatanna whisked us away to is transitioning from dusk to dawn. The sky is a beautiful mixture of oranges, purples and pinks. I touch the sand and it begins to float, due to my tactile kinesis. I make the shape of a heart from the many, miniscule grains. Conner chuckles. He doesn't laugh or smile too much; so when I complete the task, I feel as if I've climbed Mount Everest. I smile as I make a sandy portrait of his profile.

"Who's that handsome stud?" He questions with a smirk on his gorgeous face. I giggle and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Just my amazing boyfriend." I reply. He looks down at me from the side of his eye.

"Do you take commissions?" He jokes. I straighten up my shoulder and look at him.

"I do. What do you have in mind?" I say, playing along.

"Not what, who. I want you to make my girlfriend. She has long, brown hair; wavy, not straight. Mesmerizing, chocolate brown orbs that have little specks of gold in them when the sun hits them just right. Beautiful olive skin, smooth to the touch. Light pink lips, so supple I'd kiss them all day if I could. A straight, yet upturned nose, that's as cute as a button. And the most amazing body I've ever seen." Conner finished his stream of compliments in a whisper and I'm left a mute, blushing mess.

"I-I'll see what I- what I can do." I stutter, still not recovered from his words, words that mercilessly tugged on my heart strings. I take control of the sand and make a self-portrait.

"Perfect..." He breathes.

"Thanks." I respond, still feeling a little lightheaded. I place my head back on Conner's shoulders and watch the last few minutes if the sunrise. I shoot my head up and look at Conner; the feeling of butterflies fluttering away in my stomach replaced with smugness.

"Now that I've finished your commission, how much are you paying me?" I joke. He looks up at the sky and places a hand on his chin.

"Hmm, well a masterpiece like that is priceless..." He starts and I already feel the blood rushing to my face. Damn adrenaline.... I take a deep breath, to calm my nerves and look at him with a smirk.

"I've got an idea." I fill in.

"Oh, do tell." He replies in a sensual, low voice, placing his hand on the side of my face. Guess he got the idea... We lean in. Our noses touch. We're this close to kissing when the view of the beach fades and the training deck comes back into sight. Our noses are still touching when we revert our eyes from each other's to our surroundings.

"Guys, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! You know, the sickness! I couldn't control what I was saying! And it took FOREVER for me to finally say the right thing!" Zatanna justifies her actions.

"It's alright, Z." I say in a calming tone, in turn, calming her down.

"It was a well-needed break." I acknowledge. I look at Conner and he looks pissed.

"What's wrong?" I say, worried.

"Interrupted the damn kiss..." He replies like a child, arms crossed and brows furrowed. I burst out laughing and that only makes his brows crease more.

"Oh, no need to be like that, babe." I say. I lean over to his ear.

"We can always finish some place else." I offer. I lean back and his face returns to normal, even a small smile replacing the usual scowl. I smile and we help each other from the ground. We walk out of the training deck, his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist. I wonder where Zatanna's magical sickness will take us next...

[Words: 1290]

(A/N: just in case it didn't come across or to clear anything up, the description of the Reader's appearance is based on Talia Al Ghul's appearance because the requester wished for the Reader to be a clone of her. also, the italicized words in Zatann's P.O.V. are there to exaggerate her sarcasm :)

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