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(S/N) : Superhero Name
conner kent/ superboy x reader

requested by Polli2123

picture credits: gecko1798 on tumblr

italics are thoughts
Your P.O.V.

Here we are, chilling at the beach outside of Mount Justice. By we, I mean me, my boyfriend, Conner and his team. The Young Justice squad is super chill; but, I'm not a member. Conner and I have been dating for 4 months and I've been friends with them for 3 of those months. Wally is flirting with M'gann and Artemis is scolding him, Kaldur and Robin are swimming and Conner and me, we're talking.

"He doesn't even pay attention to me!" Conner huffs as he crosses his arms.

"I understand, bu-" I get cut off.

"No! You don't understand! Are you a clone created from someone who won't even acknowledge your existence?!" He exasperates.

"And don't even get me started on school!" He angrily continues.

"Conner, take a deep breath." I say as I rub his back. Some may be marveled at the fact that I can handle Conner's temper. Well, since I'm a "sorceress-in-training", I have to have patience. To be able to focus on controlling my magic and whatever else Dr. Fate says a "proper sorceress must keep under her belt". He's like my mentor; something that Conner doesn't have the pleasure of having...

"I'm just trying to help..." I say, to try and calm him down and because I mean it. He heaves a long sigh and covers his face with his hands.

"I know. I shouldn't be blowing up at you, especially when you're just trying to help me..." He finishes. I remove his hands from his face and look into his eyes.

"It's ok, Conner. I'll always be hear to help you train and listen to you vent." I tease as I nudge him with my shoulder. He smiles for the first time all day. I know the whole Superman/Lex Luthor situation is stressful for him; but, I didn't realize it was taking this large of a toll on his mental health. He leans in and I do too. When we are this close to kissing, we are cut off by an explosion. We turn our heads to see the origin of the explosion: Mount Justice. Amazo is hovering above Mount Justice and is shooting fire everywhere! Everyone is standing up now, Kaldur and Robin are out of the water and Wally's finally stopped flirting with M'gann, ready to take on the fight.

"Egnahc sehtolc otni ruo smrofinu!" I shout and everyone, including me, changes from beachwear to superhero suits.

"Thank you, (Y/N)!" I hear Aqualad shout as he runs to Amazo, his water-bearers in hand. Artemis pulls back her arrows and Robin throws his batarangs; however, they phase right through him. Miss Martian has established a mind-link between the members of Young Justice and myself.

We have to catch him shifting! That's how we defeated him last time. Miss Martian says through the psychic link.

First, the fire! I respond in regards to Miss M's comment.

"Tup tuo siht erif!" I shout, hands out towards Mount Justice, and the fire dies down. Amazo flies over to us on the beach and blows freeze breath at Artemis. He then moves onto Aqualad and Miss Martian and heat visions a circle of fire around them.

How am I supposed to help from down here?! Kid Flash asks while zooming around, trying to find an opportunity.

"Ezeerfnu! Tup tuo that erif!" I yell and Artemis is unfrozen and the circle of fire diminishes. Superboy jumps up and attempts to grab Amazo; but, he uses Martian Mahunter's intangibility and Superboy's hands go right through him. He crashes back down to Earth; fortunately, he lands on him feet.

How are we even supposed to catch him shifting if he keeps moving?! Conner shouts with aggression.

Maybe we need a different angle, maybe it's easier than we think... I ponder on the possibilities.

Got it! I exclaim

"Elbmessasid!" I shout and Amazo is no longer levitating but falling to the ground in multiple pieces. Everyone pauses and looks at me.

"Piece of cake!" I say and smile, hands on my hips.

"That's my girl..." Conner mumbles, crossing him arms and looking at (Y/N) with fondness.

~ Time Skip ~

"Great job team. You handled the situation well and have proved that you are all well-prepared for future complications." Batman says on the training deck inside of Mount Justice.

"You." Batman says, turning his head in your direction.

"Me?" I said, though it sounded more like a squeak coming from my surprised mouth. Being addressed by Batman is intimidating and kind of a big deal!

"You showed excellent strategy and precision on the field. Looks like all that training with Dr. Fate has done you well. Would you like to join the team?" Batman asks in his deep, monotonous voice.

"Really?" I ask in astonishment at the same time as M'gann.

"Really?" She also asks; squeals of delight ensuing her question.

"It'll be so much fun having another girl on the team!" She finishes.

"Yes, really. You aren't affiliated with any other teams and have the power and ability our team could use." Batman reasoned.

"If no one on the team has any objections?" He asks, double-checking if this was a good idea.

"I'm game." Robin responds, trademark smirk on his face.

"You will make a lovely addition to the team." Kaldur'ahm replies with a small smile.

"We could definitely use someone with your skill set." Artemis affirms as she smiles at you.

"Another babe on the team. No objections comin' from me." Wally says as he winks at me. Conner growls at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Just a joke, SB. You'll do great, (Y/N)." Wally voices with a genuine smile. I take one look around the room and see smiles of positivity and Batman's usual emotionless face.

"Hell yeah." I finally answer, filled with excitement just thinking about being apart of such a great team. One that has my boyfriend on it, no less. Speaking of, Conner walks up to me and gives me a bear hug, lifting me up so my feet are off of the ground. He sets me down and kisses my forehead.

"Great job out there, babe." He whispers in my ear. He stands up straight and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Now, all you need is a code name." He points out.

"Hmm..." I think as I dwell on what I'd like to be called on the field.

"I think (S/N) has a nice ring to it..." I finalize as I pull Superboy in for a kiss.

[1106 Words]

(A/N: my first request! i hope i did alright! it was different writing for a character i personally don't have feelings for. it was a nice change of pace... requests are open and i hope you enjoyed! :)

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