Bonus Scene: Arles + Nefret | Part I

Start from the beginning

On the other hand, Arles and I worked on our small family. There were times when we still fought and sorted to our old ways but it was comparatively less now.

I was still learning a lot of things in Zaeris and sometimes it would get too much for me. Today was something like that. I was feeling completely burned out.

An idea instantly crossed my mind.

Arles wouldn't be free from work until late in the evening. Until then I could take a break and go somewhere refreshing.

I told Cynthia to look after the boys before I left the nursery. I found an old top and a pair of jeans with some mortal money. I took off my gown and wore my old mortal clothes.

I snuck my way to the restricted place in the palace before using some traveling sand to transport back to the mortal land, where I originally belonged.

I sighed in relief when I was able to see the city light peeking from the trees. I was in the woods near a mortal city. With a huge smile on my face, I stepped out and started to wander the place.

I did this quite often. Arles hadn't found out about this. I couldn't possibly think of what he'd do if he ever found out about this but the taste of freedom was too sweet to not take such a big risk.

The weight seemed to be lifted from my shoulders temporarily as I walked through the city roads crowded with mortals.

I received some curious looks from people but I kept walking without giving them a second look. I wandered the streets, sometimes stopping to look at some shops before continuing to walk.

I bought myself some ice cream before I continued to look around. I kinda missed Arles when I saw some couples.

I'd have loved it if he were with me now but he was busy with work. I tried my best to bother him less. Also, he hated coming to the mortal land. I think he last came down here before we had the boys.

I found a beautiful shop. It had some beautiful dresses on display. Without thinking much I stepped inside the shop. After years, I felt excited about something as mundane as shopping.

Back in Zaeris, everything was already there even before I could ask for it. I was grateful for that but at the same time, I missed going out and picking out my own dresses and things.

A smile climbed on my lips as I ran my fingers through the dresses. They were simple yet beautiful. They were very different than what I wore back in Zaeris. They were lighter and comparatively plain-looking.

I picked out a red dress and decided to try it.

I was dumbstruck when I saw myself in the mirror with the dress on. It hugged my curves perfectly. It had a V neck and an open back. The dress ended just a few inches above my knees. When I let my long hair down, I looked beautiful.

I looked ready to go to a party.

I wondered how Arles would react if he ever saw me in the dress. I picked out matching shoes and jewelry before paying for them and leaving the shop.

I felt thrilled when I spotted a bar. It seemed like they were having happy hours. I bit my lip when I got another idea.

In a few moments, I found myself stepping inside the bar, dressed in my new clothes. I received several flirtatious looks from men which went deliberately ignored by me. Loud music drowned all the noise while colorful lights flashed on the dancefloor. It was where most of the crowd was.

I ignored it and headed straight to the place where the drinks were served.

"May I buy you a drink?" A guy asked when I took a seat at the counter. I looked at him. He was good looking for mortals but nowhere close to Arles.

He seemed to be interested in me right away. Vesta instantly felt disgusted and lowkey, so do I but I did not show it on the surface for the sake of not coming off as rude and also to not spoil my chances of having a free drink.

"Sure," I answered with a genuine smile. He threw a flirtatious smile at me before ordering the drinks.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asked after ordering the drinks. I didn't miss how he was leaning close to me suddenly.

Lust swam in his eyes while he checked me out. It made me cringe internally but I decided to play cool.

When the bartender set the drinks in front of us, I took at it and took a sip from it. Not before throwing him a flirtatious look. I didn't miss how he froze to look at my lips before the lust in his eyes intensified.

"Nefret," A familiar voice growled behind me. I froze in my place. I saw a look of terror climb on the mortal's face as he looked past me.

My heart thrashed in my chest as I slowly looked over my shoulder. It was Arles.



Part II (the continuation of this bonus scene) is available on Inkitt for Free.
The link is in my bio.

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