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John blinked. Alex was here? Why?

John looked back over at James, who didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong. "Uhhh, I'll be back in a second. Take this time to look around." He said, as James nodded. He turned around, and walked over to Alex.

"What are you doing here?!" John whisper yelled. A few angels looked over at him, but didn't say anything.

"I need to talk to you." Alex whisper yelled back. "It's important."

John looked back at James, who was waiting patiently at a desk. John turned back around. "I'm a little busy. Can it wait?" He asked, anxiously tapping his foot.

"No, it can't." Alex said, strictly. "It can't wait. It's... it's about Philip."

John wasn't sure if he heard him correctly. "What?"

"Washington told me he was in danger. We need to go find him, now."

John's eyes widened. He didn't know anything was wrong. Usually, he'd get a feeling, like a sixth sense, but he hadn't even known. "Oh. Okay. Let's, uh, let's go." He said, a little panicky, but trying to stay calm.

Alex nodded and turned around, starting to walk out the door. John started to follow him, and almost made it half way out the doorway when he felt a large hand grab the back of his shirt and pull him back. "Hey!" He exclaimed, as the person let him go. He turned around with a glare on his face, when he saw who it was. "Dad?" He said, his face immediately going pale. "What are you doing?"

Alex noticed the look on John's face, but didn't say anything. He figured it was something personal. As he looked up at the big man who was John's father, he could definitely see the resemblance. They both have the same jawline, and hair color. John's skin was slightly lighter. John has a smaller face structure and over-all build. Still, some things were different. Well John had millions of freckles splattered across his face, his father had none. His father also had brown eyes, well John's were a bright green.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, looking down at John. Alex had always thought that John was tall, but his father was half a foot taller. He either didn't notice Alex, or didn't care.

"Dad, I need to leave." John said, anxiously fiddling with his tie. "It's important."

"If it's so important, you can tell me." He said, making John sigh of irritation. A few angels looked over and observed, but no one said anything, making Alex think that things like this happen often.

"I don't have to tell you everything, I'm a grown man-" John started to say before he got interrupted.

"Well, you're acting like a child. You have responsibilities that you can't neglect." His father replied coldly.

"I'm not neglecting them!" John argued.

His father looked as if he was about to say something, but Alex cleared his throat, making all the eyes land on him. He was tired of everyone acting like he wasn't even there. "Hello Sir." He said, remaining eye contact with John's father. "I'm Alexander Hamilton."

His father took his hand. "That name sounds familiar."

"You met him a few times before, when we were alive." John said, looking uncomfortable. His father had only met Alex a few times, despite them being together 24/7. Even after them being friends for years he still couldn't remember his name. His mother, on the other hand, was like a mother to him. It was moments like these that John missed her, she was one of the few people who could calm his father down.

His mother, unlike many people he knew, didn't become an angel when she died. She was a soul in heaven, and because John worked collecting and protecting souls, he never saw what happened to them after they went to heaven.

"Oh, alright." John's father said, meaning that was an acceptable answer. He stopped shaking Alex's hand and put it in his pocket. "Are you the reason John has to leave?" He asked, and although he had put a smile on his face, you could hear the coldness in his voice, that came directly from his heart.

Alex laughed nervously. "Well, kind of yes."

"It's hard to explain." John added, and Alex nodded, following along.

"Yes, very hard to explain. And we're in a rush so..." Alex trailed off, starting to get anxious.

"How about you both come in my office and take the time to explain why you have to leave work, especially when I just gave you a important job." John's father said, and although it sounded like a suggestion, it was more of a demand. Before they knew it, they were both in his office.

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