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Alex walked through Hell, going to the metro train. He hadn't ever used it, since whenever he went to Earth he flew or used a portal. He walked in, and tried to look like he knew what he was doing.

There was no payment thing, but then again, many people here probably wouldn't have paid anyway. Alex walked past many other demons who were in a hurry, some lost souls, and even one angel who had a very worried expression on his face.

He quickly looked around the signs, starting to feel lost when he noticed a large one. "One way to Heaven, Expected around 12:30"

Alex walked towards that one and waited. His watch said it was 12:25, but time was weird in Hell. In what seemed to be a minute, the train was there.

Alex had to push his way through as other people boarded. When he was getting in, it seemed like the entire population was boarding, but once he was on, he realized it was only about ten people.

He waited, anxiously tapping his foot as the doors closed and the train started moving. He looked out the window and watched in amazement at the things he passed. At one moment, it had seemed like earth, in the middle of the ocean. For another, they were no where. The entire land was pure white. They passed through a forest that seemed normal, but when he looked closer he saw large wolves and other creatures running around. Then, they passed an area that seemed like space. Alex felt like he could reach out and touch a star, but as soon as the train got close they changed areas once again.

This time, it was a large white city. Snow covered the ground and fell from the sky. As soon as the train entered the temperature seemed to drop, making Alex wish he had brought a jacket. There was many streets and alleys. The train stopped, and the doors opened.

"Welcome to Heaven." A robotic voice said from the speakers. "Please read the rule book and enjoy your stay."

Alex stepped out, immediately noticing a huge building in the middle of the city. It looked kind of like the Empire State Building, which had about a hundred floors, but Alex knew that there was most likely more stories once you actually got inside.

He walked through the streets and towards the building. He got a few weird looks, considering that the entire world around him was pure white, and his wings were black and red. No one said anything, however.

He couldn't help but admire the scenery. It was beautiful, he'd admit, but he found himself feeling sad at the void of color. Many people wore plain white, grey, or some black. The most color was their eyes, which ranged from colors such as brown and blue to green, grey, and purple. The entire city was monochrome. Some trees, small plants, or flowers added some color, but besides that there was barely anything. He couldn't imagine living there.

Once he reached the building, he found himself unsure if he should enter. He knew he could save Philip by himself. He didn't need John.

But then he remembered what Washington said. He trusted his mentor. If he said that he needed John, then he believed him. As much as he didn't want to see him, he wasn't about to sacrifice Philip's health because of his pettiness. He took a deep breath in to calm his nerves, and opened the front door, stepping inside.

It looked like a stereotypical entrance. There was a few couches where a couple angels said, reading a magazine. There was a few small trees around. He approached the front counter before he could lose his nerve.

"Excuse me?" Alex asked, peering over the counter, where he saw a receptionist with short brown hair and small angel wings typing on a keyboard.

"Yes?" The receptionist asked, not looking up. She continued to type.

"I need to see someone."

The girl turned to him. "Name?"

"Alexander Hamilton."

She turned back to her computer and typed that in. "Residency?"

"Hell." Alex answered, thinking that that should have been obvious.

"Status?" She asked.

"Second in command."

She typed that in. "Alright, and who are you here to see?" She asked, taking a sip of water.

"John Laurens." Alex answered, the name sounding almost foreign to to his tongue.

The angel almost spat out her water. She burst into laughter, and looked at Alex as if he was crazy. This was the most amount of emotion Alex had seen from her since he'd arrived.

"Your here to see John Laurens?" She asked, to clarify. She looked as if she could barely hold back laughter. "The CEO's son?"

Alex blinked. He hadn't know that John was the CEO's son. He was about to answer, feeling a little flustered, when a older woman quickly rushed towards them.

"Kitty!" The woman exclaimed. "You have to be nice to guests!"

Kitty sighed. "Fine..." She mumbled, standing up and going into the back, opening a file cabinet, and placing some papers inside.

The woman turned to Alex. "Sorry about that, she's still in training. How can I help you?"

"I need to talk to John Laurens," He looked at the woman's name tag. "Martha."

She shook her head. "He usually isn't here for another hour. Unless..." She said, typing something in. Alex felt almost relieved, until she continued. "Well, it's your lucky day. He came in early to help train a trainee, like I'm doing now. Anyway, who sent you?"

"Mr. Washington."

Martha typed that in. "You work for George?" She asked, making Alex raise a eyebrow.

"Well, yeah. Almost every demon does. How do you know Washington?"

"I'm his wife." Martha simply answered, making Alex's jaw drop. He didn't know Washington was married. She let out a small laugh at his reaction. "Don't worry, dear, we keep our relationship on the down low, not many people know."

Alex nodded, before he remembered something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper Washington had gave him. "He wanted me to give this to the receptionist. It has his signature."

She took it and admired it for a second, before nodding, believing it was real. "Alright, that will do. Anyone who enters Heaven to see someone above a entrance level job needs a signature from a high ranker." She said, putting the paper into a filing cabinet beside her.

"Can I see him now?" He asked, starting to feel anxious.

Martha nodded. "Of course. But, before you do, do you mind if I get a photo for your ID?"

"What? You guys have ID's here?" Alex asked. Heaven was way different than hell.

Martha let out a sigh like she gets asked that a lot. "Yes, we have IDs. We are still an economy. Anyway, just go over to the camera right over there. Kitty will be taking your photo for you." She pointed towards a camera.

Alex nodded, although he was unsure if he wanted to get his photo taken. His hair was messy from the ride, and the interaction he had with Kitty earlier wasn't exactly pleasant. But, he couldn't really say no.

He walked over to the camera, as Kitty did the same. "Alright. Just stare at the camera, and don't smile, or do duck lips, or anything fun really. Learned that the hard way." She said, muttering the last part, as Alex stared at the camera. The flash went off, making Alex blink and rub his eyes. Kitty took a second to look at then photo before deciding it was okay. She showed Martha, who nodded in agreement.

"Alright... and I've got your I.D.." Martha said, handing him a card over the counter. "Don't loose it, incase you come here again. Just go to the elevator at up to the seven hundred and eighty third floor, and ask the secretary to scan your card."

Alex gave a nervous smile. "Thanks." Alex said, going over to the elevator and walking inside. He scanned through the wall of buttons, which went all the way down the wall, before pushing the one labeled '783'.

"Goodbye, and good luck!" Martha yelled as the elevator doors closed.

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now