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Alex's mouth dropped. "Who are you?" He asked, although millions of other thoughts roamed in his head. He can see me? He's a angel?

Alex hadn't ever seen a angel, despite his time in Hell. Demons and angels don't often communicate, and when they do it's usually only one or two of them talking to each other.

He remembered a conversation he'd had with Washington, when he first arrived in Hell.

"If demons are real, then what about angels?" Alex asked, amazed.

Washington gave him a look. "You should avoid ever meeting a angel. They may seem innocent on earth, but they are irrational and chaotic. They are heavens fiercest warriors, so do not take them lightly. Meeting one is not a pleasant experience."

That seemed irrelevant now. Alex couldn't avoid the angel or run away. He had a job to do, and running away wasn't part of his nature. He's never run away from a job, and he wasn't willing to start now. He also didn't believe what Washington had said about angels, it seemed like he was lying, just so Alex wouldn't ask more questions about them.

"Answer my question first." The angel said, glaring at him more. From what Alex had heard about angels on earth, they were supposed to be very sweet and kind. They would bring peace to a room when they entered. This angel, however, did not seem sweet or calming. He was mad, and Alex found him a little scary. He seemed much more like the angels Washington had described. He was starting to regret not believing him.

"I was sent here, to guard Philip. What are you doing here?" Alex asked, throwing the accusation back to the angel in hope of getting the higher ground in the conversation.

The angel simply rolled his hazel eyes. "I was sent to protect this family."

Alex glared back. "Well I was here first. I call dibs."

"That's not how it works." The angel said. "You can't call dibs. Plus, I've been here longer than you."

"Oh really?" Alex asked, not believing a word the angel was saying. "How long have you been here, then?"

"Nine years." The angel said simply, as if that was normal, which made Alex's jaw immediately drop.

"Nine years?! You were here this entire time?!" Alex asked, shocked how someone could last nine hours just watching over someone. He hadn't even done it for a full day and he was already starting to die of boredom.

"In one form or another. I'm not always active, like I am now, but I have always been active or dormant, incase they needed me. Which they do now. So, who sent you?" The angel asked, crossing his arms, but no longer glaring. Alex felt himself relaxing.

"His names George Washington."

The angel raised a eyebrow. "That's where Washington is?" He asked, curiously, as if he's been wondering that for awhile.

"Wait. You know him?" Alex asked, his jaw dropping once more. "How?"

"He was my general in my life." The angel said, shrugging. "He was a good man. I always wondered what happened to him after he died."

Alex's eyes widened. "You remember your past?"

The angel looked panicked for a split second, before regaining his composure. "Yes. Angels remember more about their past when they first arrive in heaven than demons do, and the longer your an angel the more you learn about yourself."

Alex felt a spark of hope inside of him. He had always wondered about his past. He'd spent long nights thinking about it. Maybe he had a family. "How long did it take you to remember your past?"

The angel's expression darkened. "I haven't totally remembered everything, only some of the basic stuff, my name, my friends, family, and some other stuff."

Alex's hope, however, was still there. "Well, how long did it take?"

The angel took a moment to think about it. "Ten years."

Alex's eyes widened. "In heaven years?"

The angel shook his head, signaling he meant mortal years. Alex felt his chest deflate, frowning. 10 years for only basic knowledge.

The angel looked up towards the beach. "They're leaving. Let's go, we can talk more at the house." He said, starting to follow them when Alex quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"Wait!" Alex said, making the angel look at him confused. "What do I call you?"

The angel took one more look at him, as if contemplating if he should trust Alex, before coming to a conclusion.

"Just call me John."

~Dream About Me~ ~Lams~Where stories live. Discover now