The rare fluff stumbling out of hiding

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry I don't find any fun in stabbing people," I sighed. "Especially our friends."

"This would be cute if you weren't arguing about stabbing people," Virgil said, giving us a weird look.

"This is a normal argument," Quinn mumbled.

"We all have to go," Patton continued. "Roman is healed now. Emile's skull is supposed to be healed by then. Remy...well you still have to wear the brace."

"Fuck all of you," Remy said lowly.

"He doesn't mean that," Emile said quickly.

"Yes I do," Remy whispered. Emile let out a long sigh, resting the bandaged side of his head in his hand.

Everything fell back into silence. No one had any clue how we could bring Evan to prom without risking him having a seizure.

Many minutes passed where no one said anything. It eventually become slightly awkward. But then Roman jumped up from where he was sitting.

"I have an idea!"  Roman declared loudly. 

"You last fifty one ideas didn't work, therefore why would this one be any better?"  Logan asked, clearly getting annoyed with this.

"Because I'm amazing," Roman said with a smirk.

"Get on with it," I told him. I was starting to grow impatient the more upset Evan got.

"Why don't we throw our own prom?" Roman suggested.

"And how the hell do you expect us to pull that off?" Remy asked. He looked tired. But to be fair, it was nearing ten on a Monday night.

"We can use my backyard," Roman started. "We can set up a dance floor and have food and drinks Maybe set up so dairy lights and such. We'd get to listen to our music and just bring some of the speakers out there."

"I'm intrigued," I said. Evan sat up in my lap. There was a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Like I said, we can just have our own prom," Roman continued. "We can still do things like prom pictures but it'll be our prom. Our music. We can have food and drinks there. Anyone can wear a dress and a teacher isn't going to yell at us. Anyone can kiss and shit and, again, no teacher to yell at us."

"I think that's the first smart thing to ever come out of your mouth," Remus teased. Roman let out an offended gasp.

"Well now that this is figured out," Remy said while standing up. "Some of us would like to go to bed now."

"Yes, that's probably wise," Logan agreed. "Everyone needs eight hours of sleep a night."

"It's a good night if I manage to get eight minutes." Virgil laughed.

"Same," Quinn and Remy said.

"It's bedtime for you then my adorable storm cloud," Roman cooed, making Virgil flush a brilliant shade a bright red.

"Alrighty, everyone go home and get some rest," Patton said in a loving voice. "I'll see you all tomorrow at school."

With that, Logan and Patton left. Remy and Emile were quick to follow. Remus disappeared up to his room silently. Roman carried and sleepy Virgil to his room.

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