A Red hood and A Bat

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"Where the hell did you get that fancy ray gun!" Red hood shouted at Six

"From a dead man who had a lot of stars near him!" Six shouted back as he put in a battery into the ray gun

Red hood jumps on top of the car, uses a grappling hook to swing on top of a dumpster, and shoots at Six from up top Six rolls out of Red hood gunfire only got a graze on his shoulder. Six digitized Pew-Pew and then undigitized Dinner bell, he hit Red hood chest and knocked off the dumpster.

"Nothing beats a good old shotgun," said Six

"Did you kill him?" said B-Ray

"Not sure,"

Red hood jumps back off the ground onto his feet "no, you didn't," Red hood pulls out a couple of small balls and throws them near the Courier's feet.

"That best you got," said Six. Then he looks down to see the balls beeping "oh shit," Six moved out of the way as the balls exploded, causing one of the walls in the alleyway to have a massive hole.

The smoke filled the air. Six couldn't see anything until he got tackled by Red hood into the hole in the wall. The two ended up on the floor of a restaurant kitchen with the staff already running out. The red hood gets on top of Six, and he pulls out a large knife and tries to stab his head.

"You shouldn't have listened, but time to die, shithead," said Red hood.

Six quickly goes to his Pip-boy and undigitized another weapon that slips into his right hand, and Six claws Red hoods exposed chest that made a massive mark and got him off of Six.

Red hood get off of Six "what the hell is that,"

Six gets off and shows off his Deathclaw gauntlet "this is the Fist of the North Rawr ridicules name yes but can do major damage," Six grabs Dinnerbell off the floor and digitizes it. He turns to Red hood and gets into a fighting position "now let's see if that stupid helmet of yours protect you now,"

"Who is this guy, and where the hell did he is getting all these weapons," Red hood thought

Six and Red hood fight went out of the kitchen into the restaurant, with the customers already running outside because of the gunfight and the explosion. Red hood flips over a table and pulls out his gun again. At the same time, Six changed his weapon to Sleeptime and took cover behind a pillar, and both of them were ready to unload clips into each other. However, what they did not expect is the front of the restaurant window shatter, and the two turn to see the dark knight Batman who is not in a happy mood.

"Dammit, Bruce is here," Red hood thought.

"So that Bat-man I was expecting more bat then men," Six thought

"You two, this fight ends now," said Batman in a demanding tone

"For the record, I didn't start this fight helmet head over there did I'm just doing my job," said Six

"I don't care who starts this,"

"This between him and me Batman don't get in the way," said Red hood, who then points the gun at Batman

"Red hood don't," as Batman slowly goes to his utility belt.

"You know what? You two can fight this out. I got better things to do," said Six, undigitized a few Flashbangs and threw them in the air.

"Son of a bitch," said Redhood

They went off, causing Batman and Red hood blind and couldn't hear anything for a minute as Six made his escape from the two. He ended up back in the alleyway where B-Ray tried to escape from the scene, but Six knocked him out.

"Woah, what a night!" Six thought as he drags B-Ray to his car and he made his way to the nearest police station

A few hours later, back in the bat cave, Bruce takes off his mask and sits down near the Bat-computer, and he turns the computer and looks through Gotham and the world database. Barbara comes down from the cave stairs.

"How's your night going, Bruce?" said Barbara going up to him

"Eventful I found Jason fighting with a bounty hunter that came to Gotham last month," said Bruce

"Why were the two of them fighting in the first place?"

"From what gather they were fighting for one Black mask lieutenant that is now custody of Gotham police department from a couple of hours ago from the bounty hunter,"

"So who is this mysterious Bounty hunter?"

"No idea,"

"Well, that first for you in a long time,"

"He does fit the description of a young man in his 20s. He wears a gas mask, trench coat that had a spade with the number 21 on it, and he has a device on his left arm with a glove that attaches to it,"

"So what are you going to do now Bruce,"

"First I take care of Jason and Black Mask problem, then I'll deal with the new bounty hunter,"

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