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Surprise!!!! Ally gets her very own chapter. This has been requested several times, and it's long overdue, so why not!?


Well... today is the day, the day I find out the gender of my baby. Yeah, I know... it took long enough. But in my defense, I have no control over time... so calm down.

"Will you stop fidgeting, it's really distracting," Fallon says as she pulls out of the parking lot.

You should have known my girl would be by my side. If it wasn't for her, I would probably be a complete mess about all this.

"Shut up! You know you are just as excited as I am." She has been talking about this day since... well, I'm pretty sure since she found out I was pregnant.

"I am," she confirms with a bright smile. "I just can't believe this day has finally come. It's been a long agonizing wait."

Well, it hasn't been all peaches and cream for me either. "I know the feeling," I sigh.

"So," Fallon drawls and turns the radio down. "What do you think you're having?"

I shrug and shake my head. Sometimes I feel like I'm having a girl, but other days, I feel like I'm having a boy.

I don't know... It's weird!

"What do you think?" I ask. She really hasn't picked a gender. All she says is she'll love it regardless.

She chews on her cheek and ponders over my question. Who knew that one simple question could send someone's wheels into overdrive?

I think I see smoke.

"Don't hurt yourself," I laugh.

"Fuck off!"

I gasp and place my hand on my stomach. "Language," I warn jokingly. "It isn't just us anymore Fallon, we have a child in our presence."

Fallon snorts and gives me a side glance. "Like it hasn't heard worse from you!"

She has a point there. As much as I curse, I wouldn't be surprised if my baby came out of the womb saying fuck!

"Enough about me, how's Alex doing?" We haven't talked, like really... really... talked. The last thing I heard, he was starting therapy of some sort.

"He's actually doing pretty good. He isn't the same as he was before all this and I doubt that he'll ever be the same... but he's getting better."

Alex is extremely lucky to have a woman like Fallon by his side. She's extremely caring, always willing to help, never gives up, and doesn't expect anything in return.

"Oh, I almost forgot... did he end up selling?" I don't know how I forgot that he was thinking about selling his house to Marco.

"Not yet... but it's still on his mind."

"Why does he want to sell anyway, I thought he loved living there?"

Fallon slows to a stop and waits for the light to turn green. "He used to, but now he can't stand to look at it."

The light turns green and Fallon turns right. The doctor's office is up the road. "And if I'm being completely honest, I can't either."

That's completely understandable. It has to be hard for both of them.


Fallon sits in the seat next to me and sighs. "I hate waiting rooms."

"I think everyone hates waiting rooms," I laugh. They're just so dull and boring.

About twenty long painful minutes later, a nurse calls out my name, and just in time to. I was a hair away from choking the life out of Fallon. All she has done since we got here is complain.

"We'll send for you when she's ready," the nurse tells Fallon nicely and closes the door behind us. I follow her down the long slim hallway and into another waiting room, which is empty. She then opens a closet and hands me a gown.

"The dressing room is through that door." She points to a door behind me. "When you are finished, have a seat and they'll be with you soon."

"Okay... thank you," I say before entering the tiny room. When I was finished, I slowly stepped out into the waiting room and took a seat in the first chair I saw.

This is worse than the first one. I don't see why Fallon couldn't come with me.

See how that works? Just a few minutes ago I couldn't stand her, now I want her right here beside me.

"We're ready for you," a young nurse says and I get up. She then leads me into a lightly dimmed room and tells me to lie on the table. It's a little on the firm side but tolerable.

Someone knocks on the door and opens it. Fallon peeks her head in and smiles. "I wasn't sure if this was the right room."

"Come in and take a seat," the nurse says and gestures to a chair next to the table.

Fallon sits and scoots the chair closer. "This is so exciting," she whispers.

Why do I have a feeling she's going to work my damn nerves?

"Alright, my name is Lori and I'm going to be the one performing the ultrasound. Now, I'm going to need you to lift up your gown for me."

So I do...

She picks up a tube and shows it to us. "I'm going to squeeze this on your stomach. It's going to be warm at first but it should cool down in no time."

I swear she emptied the entire bottle on my stomach.


"Are you sure that's the umbilical cord? 'Cause it sure looks like a penis to me." Fallon says. She hasn't shut the fuck up since the woman started.

"Yes," the nurse grits. You can tell she is annoyed with her.

"Bitch," I hear Fallon mumble.

"Everything looks good. Do you want to know the gender?"


"Yes please," I say sweetly. After all, this is the moment we all have been waiting for.

Fallon laces her fingers with mine and gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Ahh... being stubborn are we?" The nurse shakes my stomach a little. If she pushes anymore, I might piss myself off. "Come on spread your legs."

"Definitely doesn't take after its mother that's for sure," Fallon jokes, and the nurse's eyes go wide.

I should have left her in the waiting room. "Really Fal?"

"What?" She laughs. "That's a good thing if it's a girl. You won't have to worry about being a young grandmother."

"I hate you!"

"You and I both know that's not true."

"Right now it is."

"Liar," she sings.

"Should I give you some privacy?" Lori interrupts. She's about on my damn nerves too.

"I swear if you don't shut the fuck up, I will cut your tongue out and make you sit in the waiting room," I growl to Fallon.

Fallon rolls her eyes and leans back in her chair.

Lori squeezes more lube on my stomach before continuing. Oh, how I hate lube. Not only is it sticky but it's messy too.

"Ah... there you are," she says softly.

Is it really that hard to see if it has a penis or not?

"So?" The wait is killing me.

"Congratulations, it's a girl!"

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