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I finished my shift a little over an hour ago and I am now sitting on my couch enjoying a glass of wine. I love my wine. I love it more than breathing. Not really...but I do love wine.

I pull out my phone and check my messages. I have a few coworkers thanking me for picking up their shifts this week and that's it.

It's been an entire week since the party and I haven't seen very much of Alex. He's been a little busy helping his dad with the family business. But we have spoken over the phone, faithfully. Except for today, I haven't heard from him yet.

I know he had to fly out to New York, today. What for...I don't know. He didn't tell me and I didn't ask. But from my understanding— with the type of business he is in, he has to travel a lot. I guess if we're going to be dating, I'm going to have to get used to it.

With a sigh, I quickly answered my messages, put my phone on the coffee table, and lay back on the couch. It feels so good to have a little time to myself. But then again, I miss Alex. I have got used to seeing him daily.

After mine and his little heart-to-heart last week, I really hope somehow, someway he and his mother— if they haven't already, can rekindle their relationship. I really don't know how it was before me...but I definitely don't want to be the cause of a family feud, that's for sure.

On another note...I have never in my life had someone loath me as much as she does. It's pretty sad she judged me based on my background and not on the person that I truly am.

I jump at the sound of my phone ringing and grab it from the table. It's Alex.


"Hey...beautiful, how are you?" He asks cheerfully, putting a smile on my face.

"I'm good. How are you? How was your flight?"

"It was okay," he says. "I miss you..."

My grin widens. I'm pretty sure I look like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, right now. "I miss you too," I breathe. "When will you be home?"

I groan internally and palm my face. I sound so desperate right now.

He sighs, "Not for at least another few days." I frown. "I'm sorry."

As much as it saddens me, I can't be upset. This is his job and he needs to work. "Don't be," I tell him. "I understand."

"Trust me...I wish I could be there. It's killing me not being able to see you." He knows just the right words to say to turn my frown upside down. "So...tell me about your day."


I tell him about my very boring day. It's been storming since 5:00 am and the news says it's showing no signs of letting up any time soon. So that means we weren't busy and I made shit for tips. This is the only time that I dread being a waitress.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah," I sigh. Not much either one of us can do about it. Mother Nature is a bitch and does what she wants.

Enough about me, "What about your day?"

"Well," he draws. "If it makes you feel any's raining here too."

I'm not going to lie...that does make me feel a tinge better. "Maybe just a little."

He chuckles. God, I love his chuckle. "Figured."

"Is that all?" I ask. All he told me was that it was raining. That really doesn't tell me much about his day.

He then went on to tell me that he has a meeting lined up with some very important businessmen that might have some business propositions that his father might be interested in. He never went into detail about what that means and I didn't ask. If he wanted me to know...he would have told me.

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