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I'm sitting in my living room with my brother and Marco, waiting for Fallon to come back downstairs. I wasn't too shocked to see them at all, to be honest. They always show up unannounced. But I am a little disappointed that my time with Fallon was cut short.

I smile softly as my mind wanders back to the wonderful time we had last night...and this morning. The way her body felt pressed against mine— the way her body quaked right before she erupted into pure ecstasy, was amazing.

Sex with Fallon was different. It wasn't like anything I'd experienced before. It wasn't really planned and it sure as hell wasn't rushed. Yeah...the setup with the game— plus the alcohol paved the way, but I wanted her before all that.

I was so nervous when I asked her to be my girlfriend. But I knew it needed to be done. A girl like her doesn't come around often and I wasn't about to let her slip through my fingers.

I already got a small taste of what her body likes, but I want to know more. I want to know what her childhood was like. What her parents are like. I want to know her likes and dislikes. I want to know what makes her happy and what makes her sad. I want to know it all.

"What have you smiling from ear to ear," I heard my brother say, pulling me from my thoughts. I can't even have a moment to myself when he's around.

I shrug. "Nothing that concerns you," I tell him flatly. He doesn't need to know everything.

Marco snorts, "Since when don't you kiss and tell?"

"Since it involves my girlfriend," I retort.

They both stare at me in surprise. I've never really had a girlfriend. I'm more of a one-night-stand kind of guy. Well...that was until now.

"She's...your girlfriend?" Marco asks and I nod. "Since when do you do relationships?"

"Since now," I chuckle.

"I can't believe this," Marco mutters and runs his finger through his brown hair. "You're not serious, right?"

"I've never been more serious before."

"Well I think this is great," Nick chimes in. "I mean, I've never seen you smile like that before. Obviously, she makes you happy."

Neither one of them has any idea just how happy I am. I sigh, "I don't know what it is about her...she's amazing." That's the only way I can describe her. "Absolutely amazing."

Nick's smile widens. "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you were smitten."

Marco snorts, "More like pussy whipped. The man gets a taste of one good pussy and he's whipped."

The way he referred to her as one good pussy has my blood boiling. "Her name is Fallon," I say through gritted teeth. "I suggest you start calling her by it and please don't talk about my girlfriend's pussy again. I don't appreciate it."

Marco's eyes light up with surprise. If he thought for one minute I was going to sit back and let him talk about her like that, he is sadly mistaken.

See the difference between Marco and I is— Marco treats his one-night stands like one-night stands. He treats them real nice when she's reeling them in, but once they bite he gets what he wants. He simply tosses them to the side with no emotion whatsoever, making them feel like trash.

Now, on the other hand, I could never make a woman feel as if they were trash. Even if they were, I couldn't. My father raised me better than that.

Marco sighs, "I'm sorry, Okay? I just...It's just going to take some getting used to."

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