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The last thing I want to do right now is move. I don't want to wake the beauty, who is snuggled against my chest— sucking up my body heat. I'm not going to lie, I like the feel of her body pressed against mine. So what do I do? I snuggle my face into her hair.

She smells like vanilla and strawberries.

Now get your head out of the gutter. We didn't do anything other than talk.

Well— I let her do most of the talking. I couldn't help it. I loved the sound of her voice. Hell, so far I love everything about her.

I love the way her eyes crinkle at the corners when she smiles. I love the way her eyes sparkle when I say something she likes. I especially love the way my name rolls off her tongue.

I think it's safe to say that we're both affected by one another. She is just more obvious.

She stirs and swings one of her legs over my waist and pulls her body closer to mine— if that's even possible. I smile and tighten my grip around her waist.

When I told her that I wanted to get to know her better, I meant it. She seemed like a girl that I could possibly have a future with.

Yes...I know I'm jumping the gun here and yes I know it's kind of early in our— whatever this is, but, I'm not getting any younger. I'll be 30 soon and my one-night stands just aren't cutting it anymore. I want more.

My mind wanders back to last night...

"Where are you going?" Nick asks, following me out to my car.

Always so nosy.

"Just for a ride," I lie.

If he knew where I was going, he would either want to tag along or— he would give me a pep talk on how to woo a woman.

He folds his arms over his chest and smirks, "You're going to see her, aren't you?"

He knows me so well.

I sigh, "So what if I am?"

His smirk quickly turns into a smile.

"No, you're not coming with me," I state firmly.

"Oh come on," he whines. "I want to meet the woman who has you all— tingly inside."

I stare blankly at him. Did he— did he just say tingly? I push his comment to the back of my mind. She doesn't have me feeling— tingly.


"Fine," he huffs childishly. "But I better be the first one to meet her,"

I shake my head at his childish behavior. He might be older than me, but he sure is childish. "Fine," I chuckle. "You can be the first one to meet her. Now— can I go before it gets too late?"

"Don't let me keep you," he smiles. "Have fun."


It didn't take me very long to reach the diner. Twenty minutes tops.

When I first walked in, I expected to see just a handful of people— but nope. Try a couple of hands full and all of their attention was turned towards one particular area of the diner.

An argument between two employees.

At first, I just stood back and watched, but then I caught a glimpse of her face. It was red and she looked like she was about to nail the dark-haired girl to the wall— if she continued to look at her the way she is.

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